Vielle (arc_sec)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 26, 6:28:46pm UTC)
Races 34,482
Best last 10 races 243.89 wpm
Best single race 316.9 wpm
Average of fastest races
265.75 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 183.0996 wpm (5,319 total texts raced)
Wins 12,626 (36.62%)
Points 5,215,716.48
Average career speed 168.76 wpm
Accuracy 98.45%
100% accuracy races 191.28 wpm (13.17% of all races)
Career standard deviation 18.93 wpm
Coefficient of variation 11.22%
Top marathon 487 races in 24 hours, starting 2019 January 28, 1:09am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
July 2024 183.07 201.81 26 2 7.69
June 2024 172.64 262.25 163 66 40.49
May 2024 191.59 208.80 17 0 0
April 2024 194.91 254.49 123 11 8.94
March 2024 172.18 236.45 50 39 78.00
February 2024 181.25 217.51 76 2 2.63
January 2024 184.41 203.92 20 0 0
December 2023 186.85 186.85 1 1 100
November 2023 182.54 207.62 20 0 0
October 2023 193.43 222.64 58 0 0
September 2023 168.01 171.35 4 0 0
August 2023 166.41 168.71 3 0 0
July 2023 180.24 190.12 8 1 12.50
June 2023 183.72 215.85 60 8 13.33
May 2023 183.83 225.31 182 17 9.34
April 2023 182.06 267.77 812 339 41.75
March 2023 180.83 264.10 607 174 28.67
February 2023 179.54 232.41 25 9 36.00
January 2023 186.28 218.18 24 3 12.50
December 2022 174.18 205.59 58 21 36.21
November 2022 181.69 217.38 34 4 11.76
October 2022 179.16 207.29 65 1 1.54
September 2022 173.11 227.32 37 13 35.14
August 2022 175.40 259.20 144 43 29.86
July 2022 171.84 246.23 205 132 64.39
June 2022 171.92 220.12 45 17 37.78
May 2022 172.22 206.23 72 15 20.83
April 2022 172.02 208.42 77 2 2.60
March 2022 164.55 192.22 48 3 6.25
February 2022 177.92 249.84 77 23 29.87
January 2022 181.75 270.33 246 34 13.82
December 2021 176.41 239.06 163 51 31.29
November 2021 178.39 220.10 115 9 7.83
October 2021 176.40 219.68 132 15 11.36
September 2021 180.46 237.11 127 6 4.72
August 2021 171.00 232.20 220 33 15.00
July 2021 178.73 256.26 134 60 44.78
June 2021 166.33 265.02 83 21 25.30
May 2021 180.09 271.08 921 279 30.29
April 2021 178.92 267.97 976 283 29.00
March 2021 173.32 257.72 1,163 272 23.39
February 2021 171.85 228.62 229 77 33.62
January 2021 175.44 206.08 94 2 2.13
December 2020 170.60 210.09 106 25 23.58
November 2020 169.41 200.43 119 22 18.49
October 2020 167.70 228.04 370 31 8.38
September 2020 156.59 236.59 963 117 12.15
August 2020 167.42 214.33 1,114 216 19.39
July 2020 172.98 236.98 862 121 14.04
June 2020 172.36 207.64 251 16 6.37
May 2020 172.74 239.91 129 56 43.41
April 2020 169.00 204.91 111 25 22.52
March 2020 168.68 237.95 266 100 37.59
February 2020 170.26 225.98 143 51 35.66
January 2020 174.94 208.81 212 1 0.47
December 2019 177.45 241.71 441 37 8.39
November 2019 178.64 253.91 687 81 11.79
October 2019 174.61 219.99 323 20 6.19
September 2019 178.90 223.71 308 9 2.92
August 2019 176.08 218.11 945 104 11.01
July 2019 175.73 217.33 321 54 16.82
June 2019 175.45 254.49 360 52 14.44
April 2019 174.94 251.29 1,686 292 17.32
March 2019 168.63 229.92 946 247 26.11
February 2019 165.78 230.93 3,852 1,893 49.14
January 2019 160.24 230.56 1,999 712 35.62
December 2018 172.00 231.18 19 3 15.79
November 2018 165.57 221.76 130 54 41.54
October 2018 170.01 238.46 351 115 32.76
September 2018 166.08 228.13 1,009 630 62.44
August 2018 166.58 231.60 793 454 57.25
July 2018 160.57 227.40 1,459 814 55.79
June 2018 162.62 226.70 1,658 1,060 63.93
May 2018 162.97 231.32 938 544 58.00
April 2018 158.94 230.36 798 483 60.53
March 2018 156.91 246.00 542 450 83.03
February 2018 153.41 235.44 1,944 1,568 80.66
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
34482. 2024-07-26 04:30:25 188.26 There was no day for him now, and there was no night; there ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 235
34481. 2024-07-26 04:29:58 189.93 Never before had I known the sudden quiver of understanding ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 187
34480. 2024-07-26 04:27:40 188.23 Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company... Win (1 of 2) 99% 116
34479. 2024-07-19 14:43:49 184.10 You and I can share the silence, finding comfort together th... No win (1 of 1) 98% 193
34478. 2024-07-19 14:41:00 178.63 As if some thought had suddenly come to it, the firefly spre... No win (1 of 1) 99% 342
34477. 2024-07-19 10:44:43 185.40 We go waiting for the stars to come showering down. From Mos... No win (1 of 1) 99% 139
34476. 2024-07-19 10:41:24 179.48 Air-conditioned, odorless, illuminated by buzzing fluorescen... No win (1 of 1) 100% 117
34475. 2024-07-19 10:39:04 182.29 If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you wou... No win (1 of 1) 100% 331
34474. 2024-07-19 10:17:33 186.51 Blore stood rigid - listening. He could hear sounds everywhe... No win (1 of 1) 99% 202
34473. 2024-07-19 10:04:41 201.81 Love isn't just wanting another person the way you want to o... No win (1 of 1) 100% 141
34472. 2024-07-19 10:04:17 189.53 If a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it fall, does... No win (1 of 1) 99% 193
34471. 2024-07-15 20:40:51 192.97 There was nothing there, and they would find nothing. But al... No win (1 of 1) 99% 180
34470. 2024-07-14 08:16:42 161.24 He thinks he's got free will, but really he's trapped in a m... No win (1 of 1) 99% 266
34469. 2024-07-14 00:36:07 196.65 Stab a sorry heart with your favorite finger. Paint the whol... No win (1 of 1) 100% 144
34468. 2024-07-13 22:24:41 162.27 When Gregor Samsa woke one morning from troubled dreams, he ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 227
34467. 2024-07-13 22:24:02 188.30 That night of my sister's 18th birthday a lot of things happ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 223
34466. 2024-07-13 22:21:40 171.93 Stand tall, boy. Have some respect for yourself. Don't you k... No win (1 of 1) 99% 135
34465. 2024-07-13 22:21:15 185.34 Look, there's only one thing worse than being a loser. It's ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 120
34464. 2024-07-13 22:20:41 193.95 I'm alive in a city in a country of the world. And I want to... No win (1 of 1) 99% 249
34463. 2024-07-13 00:29:02 178.05 There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends bett... No win (1 of 1) 98% 122


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 34,482 316.90 183.10 5,319 July 26, 2024
Coder Edition 136 147.38 109.78 19 July 12, 2023
o4do0q2x8u 92 189.82 153.57 85 February 28, 2019
House of Typing - September 2018 46 190.96 188.26 3 September 18, 2018
Dictionary 28 215.37 184.70 28 September 16, 2022
KeeganT's Universe 24 255.90 205.66 19 May 16, 2021
Copypasta 21 224.70 179.69 14 March 23, 2021
Funny Donald Trump Quotes 15 189.52 160.12 13 November 19, 2020
Numbers 12 141.42 60.70 11 August 14, 2020
Jon's Universe. Quack! 9 372.07 340.75 2 May 9, 2021
Repeating Words 9 235.65 219.10 4 September 1, 2021
Jokes 8 196.24 178.11 8 February 11, 2022
Haiku 8 217.34 187.28 8 April 29, 2021
Marathon 6 159.66 156.33 3 September 12, 2018
Valikor's Typeracer 6 80.95 50.23 2 May 16, 2021
Indonesian 6 129.94 114.09 2 March 26, 2021
TypeRacer for Kids 3 182.45 172.95 3 October 23, 2019
Family Guy Quotes 3 177.65 172.02 3 September 1, 2019
SAT Vocabulary 3 190.37 171.42 3 April 29, 2021
Anime 2 187.50 186.50 2 January 25, 2021
Spanish 2 183.43 183.43 1 February 15, 2019
New Columbia 2 170.73 153.94 2 October 8, 2018
Movies 2 190.16 180.78 2 April 6, 2021
Hip Hop Hits 2 159.91 152.08 2 March 3, 2021
Temporary Indonesian Universe #2 1 224.03 224.03 1 March 27, 2021
Video Games 1 207.11 207.11 1 May 16, 2021
Instant Death Mode 1 186.62 186.62 1 February 16, 2021
te66st 1 347.57 347.57 1 January 11, 2022
Happy New Year, TypeRacer! 2020 1 181.75 181.75 1 December 23, 2019