Text #3550731

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.

—from Notes to the Future: Words of Wisdom, a book by Nelson Mandela

Active since December 10, 2017.
76 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. Jammie (typos_z) 333.58 100% 2024-09-14
2. saerith (arabianghosthaunting) 310.77 100% 2024-04-09
3. (joshua728) 289.62 100% 2020-11-01
4. Ruby Hoshino (stopbullyingi... 282.57 100% 2024-04-13
5. Ruby Hoshino (yukomiya) 279.07 100% 2024-07-23
6. teliot idibiks (g1_petroleum) 276.58 100% 2024-08-01
7. hi (helloimnotgood1) 271.49 100% 2024-03-14
8. that's all, folks (shazman) 269.26 100% 2023-10-21
9. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 268.79 100% 2023-02-07
10. Influensane - nonquit main/... 266.98 100% 2024-04-27
11. (krivos) 265.57 100% 2024-03-23
12. chillin (slekap) 260.12 100% 2024-03-15
13. (jyin) 257.73 100% 2024-07-30
14. גמר חתימה טובה!... 257.66 100% 2024-08-10
15. r (deroche1) 255.89 100% 2021-01-12
16. fastest typist in the world... 250.96 100% 2021-01-18
17. eiko (eikomaniac) 250.83 100% 2019-04-15
18. (mescudi) 250.00 100% 2024-05-19
19. (poke1) 246.24 100% 2024-05-01
20. realboot (sahibprime) 245.62 100% 2023-11-09
21. (slyne) 243.92 100% 2023-12-19
22. flaneur simp (inariii) 243.65 100% 2023-03-12
23. (mononym_jisoo) 243.14 100% 2020-09-03
24. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 242.88 100% 2020-09-23
25. vishE (actuallynonquitforlife) 242.75 100% 2019-05-17
26. (flaneur) 242.04 100% 2023-03-13
27. Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop) 241.46 100% 2019-04-18
28. B4CK (ayeyuhskuh) 239.55 100% 2024-09-16
29. Epzilon (epzilon2) 237.47 100% 2024-03-14
30. zetria (primalknight) 237.31 100% 2023-08-18


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 3,681 113.01 December 10, 2017
Instant Death Mode 23 123.33 January 27, 2021
Easy Texts 5 102.45 August 19, 2021
ᗜ Stenography 2 62.73 January 1, 2022
New English Texts 1 146.36 November 28, 2017