I wanted to know what had pushed them over the brink, and why some had broken down as a result of that experience while others had been able to go on with their lives. Most of the men I interviewed had gone to war feeling well prepared, drawn close by the rigors of basic training and the shared danger. They exchanged pictures of their families and girlfriends; they put up with one another's flaws. And they were prepared to risk their lives for their friends. Most of them confided their dark secrets to a buddy, and some went so far as to share each other's shirts and socks.
—from The Body Keeps the Score, a book by Bessel Van Der Kolk
Active since October 9, 2020.
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Universe | Races | Average WPM | First Race |
Default (English) | 21,406 | 90.83 | October 9, 2020 |
Instant Death Mode | 12 | 95.37 | January 1, 2021 |
All TypeRacer Texts | 1 | 87.05 | May 28, 2021 |