Text #3621360

And then what did he do? Did he train you? Did he rehearse you? Did he tell you exactly what to do, what to say? You were a very apt pupil too, weren't you? You were a very apt pupil! Well, why did you pick on me? Why me?

—from Vertigo, a movie by Alfred Hitchcock

Active since November 11, 2016.
221 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
9. (j89243fj29) 183.12 99% 2023-09-23
10. 🌄youtube.com/watch?v=Sa5... 181.37 100% 2022-11-29
11. (alpha_panda) 176.45 100% 2018-03-24
12. Dominatio (dominatio) 175.26 100% 2025-01-24
13. Xeogran (xeogran) 174.99 100% 2023-07-09
14. whomsts mans (afterbreakonly) 172.72 99% 2019-05-19
15. (flaneur) 171.06 99% 2023-02-26
16. Sean Wrona (arenasnow2) 170.43 99% 2020-03-09
17. (carlibou) 169.15 98% 2024-12-02
18. Rest in peace (michaeltrayv... 168.77 100% 2021-07-11
19. Influensane - nonquit main/... 168.22 99.1% 2024-06-08
20. taran (slowaccount) 167.88 100% 2018-05-26
21. איזי (iamtyperacer) 167.13 98% 2021-08-16
22. good Bye lol (but a Little ... 166.09 99% 2023-05-31
23. Vielle (arc_sec) 165.76 100% 2019-04-30
24. rocket (mythicalrocket) 165.35 99% 2022-03-19
25. (fenno4) 164.77 99% 2023-09-20
26. Derek (kikoman00) 163.93 100% 2022-12-21
27. jse (dragoncityjose) 163.29 99.6% 2024-12-19
28. Jesse (jessegarcia) 163.27 100% 2019-03-12
29. aut kwah (g1_petroleum) 163.12 99.6% 2024-12-19
30. (xanderec) 162.61 99% 2024-07-24
31. taran something (actuallymo... 162.61 99% 2018-02-01
32. spectating a spectator (mpo... 162.31 100% 2019-01-19
33. gluon (veryslowracer) 161.96 98% 2024-12-29
34. Principal Nual Typing Lesso... 161.95 98.3% 2024-08-19
35. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 161.33 100% 2022-11-29
36. Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop) 161.21 100% 2019-10-02
37. r (deroche1) 161.16 97% 2017-01-06
38. Tsukasa@Dvorak (tsukasa_) 161.10 100% 2023-06-29


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 31,163 79.36 November 11, 2016
Instant Death Mode 85 84.94 October 20, 2017
ᗜ Stenography 3 66.88 October 28, 2023
New English Texts Are Here 1 74.37 March 4, 2021