taran something (actuallymostlynonquit)

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 22, 1:53:03am UTC)
Races 5,141
Best last 10 races 193.2 wpm
Best single race 288.79 wpm
Average of fastest races
217.09 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 157.753 wpm (1,636 total texts raced)
Wins 11 (0.21%)
Points 604,201.39
Average career speed 152.57 wpm
Accuracy 97.33%
100% accuracy races 181.74 wpm (2.33% of all races)
Career standard deviation 14.02 wpm
Coefficient of variation 9.19%
Top marathon 362 races in 24 hours, starting 2017 December 28, 4:04am

View Pit Stop page for taran something (actuallymostlynonquit)

View text analysis of races by taran something (actuallymostlynonquit)


Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
February 2020 165.91 184.24 9 0 0
October 2019 154.12 177.66 38 0 0
April 2019 173.95 185.83 2 0 0
May 2018 180.90 180.90 1 1 100
March 2018 185.00 213.07 24 1 4.17
February 2018 154.57 211.14 410 7 1.71
January 2018 152.54 212.96 2,683 0 0
December 2017 151.67 288.79 1,974 2 0.10
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
5141. 2020-02-18 01:24:16 184.24 What I think is if you can't figure out how to have a simple... No win (1 of 1) 100% 135
5140. 2020-02-17 21:42:27 169.73 Sometimes the briefest moments capture us, force us to take ... No win (1 of 1) 97% 74
5139. 2020-02-17 21:42:09 156.71 For so long I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be hap... No win (1 of 1) 99% 133
5138. 2020-02-17 21:41:42 157.53 Now when you pick a pawpaw, or a prickly pear, and you prick... No win (1 of 1) 98% 142
5137. 2020-02-17 21:40:26 172.25 Sometimes we talk all night long, we don't shut up. And when... No win (1 of 1) 98% 121
5136. 2020-02-17 21:40:05 169.05 Now my life has changed in oh so many ways, my independence ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 110
5135. 2020-02-17 21:39:46 156.43 Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow. Hello, I've just go... No win (1 of 1) 98% 154
5134. 2020-02-17 21:39:16 160.51 And I don't believe in the existence of angels but looking a... No win (1 of 1) 98% 169
5133. 2020-02-17 21:35:55 166.72 Turn me loose from your hands, let me fly to distant lands o... No win (1 of 1) 98% 81
5132. 2019-10-23 09:12:01 139.38 There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specif... No win (1 of 1) 97% 156
5131. 2019-10-23 09:10:31 166.07 You don't need money, don't take fame. Don't need no credit ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 102
5130. 2019-10-23 09:08:59 148.66 After my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray, watc... No win (1 of 1) 98% 72
5129. 2019-10-23 09:08:39 148.79 The boy had been working for the crystal merchant for almost... No win (1 of 1) 98% 134
5128. 2019-10-23 09:08:09 172.63 He was close, real close. I couldn't see him yet, but I coul... No win (1 of 1) 99% 144
5127. 2019-10-23 09:07:21 177.66 And the hardest part was letting go, not taking part was the... No win (1 of 1) 99% 89
5126. 2019-10-23 09:07:04 141.83 We never see the light of day. We plan this thing for weeks ... No win (1 of 1) 96% 147
5125. 2019-10-23 09:06:31 156.94 Sometimes we get sad about things and we don't like to tell ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 133
5124. 2019-10-23 09:05:59 162.51 If a man's wearing his pants on his head or if he says his w... No win (1 of 1) 99% 144
5123. 2019-10-23 09:05:14 136.58 I think a lot about the way it ends - the kind of things no ... No win (1 of 1) 97% 355
5122. 2019-10-23 09:03:03 151.40 If only all the contradictory voices shouting inside my head... No win (1 of 1) 98% 81


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 5,141 288.79 157.75 1,636 February 18, 2020
Coder Edition 3 98.41 91.92 2 December 29, 2017
Jon's Universe. Quack! 3 237.24 214.08 2 March 20, 2018
dtt 2 123.86 121.10 2 January 7, 2018
Marathon 2 138.70 138.70 1 January 7, 2018
Instant Death Mode 1 181.36 181.36 1 December 29, 2017
Cheating Universe 1 247.26 247.26 1 January 1, 2018
Sean Wrona's Universe 1 151.37 151.37 1 December 29, 2017