Text #4180357

The big final rule for the comma is one that you won't find in any books by grammarians. It is quite easy to remember, however. The rule is: don't use commas like a stupid person. I mean it. More than any other mark, the comma requires the writer to use intelligent discretion and to be simply alert to potential ambiguity.

—from Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation, a book by Lynne Truss

Active since May 27, 2019.
323 total characters in this text.

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7. chillin (slekap) 206.94 99% 2021-07-11
8. איזי (iamtyperacer) 206.51 99% 2023-05-22
9. that's all, folks (shazman) 204.41 100% 2020-04-30
10. (flaneur) 204.06 100% 2023-01-29
11. hi (helloimnotgood1) 203.45 99% 2024-07-06
12. Rrraptor (megaextremist) 202.19 99% 2022-01-06
13. joshu (joshunq) 199.42 99% 2020-12-23
14. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 198.54 99% 2023-02-06
15. fish and chips (heavenseer) 198.14 100% 2021-08-28
16. Vielle (arc_sec) 197.28 99% 2021-04-27
17. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 196.46 100% 2024-09-05
18. (xanderec) 192.66 99.7% 2024-09-05
19. Rogue (rogueart) 192.54 99% 2022-02-06
20. ngnq (ngnq) 192.35 99.1% 2024-04-06
21. Jammie (typos_z) 192.10 98% 2023-08-27
22. burger flipper (melikepi) 189.26 100% 2022-06-13
23. Kathy (florentine) 189.12 99% 2021-08-14
24. Izanagi (baguettianmysticism) 189.09 99% 2021-10-30
25. bad keyboard (yzzahs) 187.38 99% 2023-07-03
26. John666695 (john666695) 187.15 100% 2024-07-11
27. Xeogran (xeogran) 185.93 99% 2023-07-21
28. (quitless) 185.79 98.1% 2023-10-12
29. decompose (decompose) 185.54 98% 2021-07-05
30. Catgirls Save Lives (amiove... 185.28 99% 2024-05-16
31. Sean Wrona (arenasnow2) 183.38 99% 2020-11-12
32. Ruby Hoshino (yukomiya) 182.48 97.6% 2024-03-30
33. eiko (eikomaniac) 182.21 99% 2019-07-16
34. good Bye lol (but a Little ... 181.86 99% 2023-04-06
35. izanagi (etherealvoid) 181.57 97% 2023-05-22
36. 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍e (despot) 181.04 100% 2021-12-29


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 30,442 85.42 May 27, 2019
Instant Death Mode 47 94.67 February 24, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 1 113.68 October 12, 2021