Text #3550177

I'm going to roll my window up, then I'm going to drive away, and you're gonna go home to your daughter.

—from Fargo (TV), a movie by Noah Hawley

Active since August 31, 2016.
104 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 27,118
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. $950 kevin rudd pay packet ... 236.01 100% 2023-03-13
2. Kathy (florentine) 228.20 100% 2017-07-09
3. rocket (mythicalrocket) 227.03 100% 2023-05-29
4. (joshua728) 226.25 100% 2024-01-01
5. Rimuru (yukomiya) 224.89 100% 2024-04-01
6. Jammie (typos_z) 222.74 100% 2021-07-26
7. jse (dragoncityjose) 219.30 100% 2024-10-08
8. hi (helloimnotgood1) 217.30 100% 2024-03-11
9. Scheming subconscious flock... 216.08 100% 2024-09-14
10. (keegant) 215.97 100% 2024-06-13
11. Sean Wrona (arenasnow) 215.58 100% 2019-05-18
12. Kathy (kathyacc) 215.51 100% 2018-03-23
13. Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop) 214.69 100% 2022-06-12
14. Rrraptor (megaextremist) 214.69 100% 2022-01-04
15. èssmann (mollyqt) 214.17 100% 2024-04-07
16. APackOfSmarties (apackofsma... 211.96 100% 2020-02-04
17. r (deroche1) 211.74 100% 2016-09-17
18. (jyin) 211.10 100% 2024-04-12
19. (shazman) 209.89 100% 2022-05-10
20. john (nothisisjohn) 209.67 100% 2024-05-17
21. :) (howtogetfast) 208.75 100% 2024-03-24
22. (xanderec) 208.54 99.1% 2024-11-10
23. (flaneur) 205.47 100% 2023-04-01
24. Influensane - nonquit main/... 204.96 100% 2024-02-11
25. ILOVEPALESTINE (iamslow103) 203.83 100% 2024-03-07
26. (j89243fj29) 203.56 100% 2023-09-26
27. (mcaso123) 203.22 100% 2017-10-06
28. stained (fartunderwear) 202.56 99% 2023-06-12
29. Tsukasa@Dvorak (tsukasa_) 202.03 100% 2024-04-14
30. hi iamslow103 (klist) 201.16 100% 2022-12-30


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 48,806 86.56 August 31, 2016
Instant Death Mode 345 92.69 December 29, 2018
ᗜ Stenography 5 123.46 November 18, 2021
All TypeRacer Texts 2 68.86 May 24, 2021