
Race #1925

View Pit Stop page for race #1925 by krivosGhost race

View profile for (krivos)

Official speed 182.72 wpm (14.38 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 184.73 wpm (157 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 191.48 wpm (501 ms elapsed before first character typed; 13.73 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 190.60 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 26, 2024 12:16:48am UTC
Race Finish February 26, 2024 12:17:02am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 115.72
Text #3550101 (Length: 219 characters)

The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.

Characters typed The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.
Character T h e r e s t o f m y a t t e n t i o n
Milliseconds 501 120 30 60 30 105 32 43 46 30 74 31 44 75 45 75 45 135 61 47 72 77 28 30 60
Character i s b a c k a t t h e o f f i c e s o f
Milliseconds 45 75 62 43 60 48 42 30 46 74 60 60 46 44 90 46 89 135 76 60 45 14 79 26 75
Character F a c e b o o k , w h e r e m y c o l l e
Milliseconds 61 150 121 104 59 120 45 122 43 135 105 75 75 45 15 109 72 29 31 59 75 45 137 88 30
Character a g u e s a n d I a r e d o i n g t h i
Milliseconds 46 74 91 44 31 59 123 27 90 45 105 48 118 17 72 120 95 85 16 29 60 15 75 45 30
Character n g s t h a t n o o n e i n t h i s r
Milliseconds 60 16 89 15 105 15 75 30 60 17 103 75 45 61 60 74 60 33 57 45 30 30 75 31 59
Character o o m , i n c l u d i n g a n d e s p e c i
Milliseconds 31 104 46 134 45 105 45 106 59 33 42 135 15 17 43 31 90 44 90 60 48 28 109 71 44
Character a l l y y o u r c l i e n t s , a r e i n
Milliseconds 75 60 121 76 103 49 87 47 41 47 76 43 15 105 60 45 61 45 44 30 60 15 75 30 15
Character t e l l e c t u a l l y o r c r e a t i v e l
Milliseconds 45 75 106 104 30 166 119 60 30 92 103 63 102 32 43 75 105 135 45 90 60 31 105 62 42
Character y c a p a b l e o f d o i n g .
Milliseconds 75 62 74 46 104 74 106 45 89 46 44 46 59 45 45 16 32 42 60
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.29 0
0.58 20.86
0.86 83.43
1.15 135.58
1.44 141.84
1.73 146.01
2.01 154.95
2.3 172.08
2.59 176.14
2.88 175.21
3.16 170.66
3.45 177.3
3.74 170.08
4.03 169.85
4.31 164.09
4.6 164.26
4.89 169.32
5.18 166.87
5.47 169.06
5.75 168.95
6.04 168.85
6.33 170.66
6.62 168.68
6.9 173.82
7.19 176.88
7.48 178.1
7.77 177.68
8.05 181.77
8.34 182.69
8.63 180.77
8.92 181.67
9.2 183.81
9.49 183.3
9.78 184.04
10.07 182.36
10.36 181.93
10.64 183.78
10.93 184.43
11.22 187.19
11.51 185.64
11.79 184.16
12.08 183.75
12.37 184.33
12.66 182.04
12.94 182.63
13.23 182.28
13.52 181.96
13.81 181.64
14.1 183.89
14.38 182.72