🚀 (aqua_desu)

Country: Netherlands

Update races (Last import: 2024 July 16, 6:48:12pm UTC)
Races 2,582
Best last 10 races 0 wpm
Best single race 189.02 wpm
Average of fastest races
180.39 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 124.1161 wpm (1,576 total texts raced)
Wins 1,307 (0%)
Points 249,795.96
Average career speed 122.3 wpm
Accuracy 97.38%
100% accuracy races 155.64 wpm (3.91% of all races)
Career standard deviation 13.63 wpm
Coefficient of variation 11.15%
Top marathon 0 races in 24 hours, starting 1970 January 1, 12:00am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
December 2023 149.51 149.51 1 1 100
September 2023 150.11 158.48 2 1 50.00
August 2023 139.38 153.45 5 3 60.00
June 2023 165.65 165.65 1 1 100
May 2023 141.66 156.64 8 2 25.00
April 2023 137.25 156.38 15 1 6.67
March 2023 141.64 152.84 10 0 0
February 2023 134.99 140.85 2 0 0
January 2023 147.86 175.49 9 2 22.22
November 2022 134.96 139.45 3 0 0
October 2022 168.84 168.84 1 0 0
June 2022 135.29 143.90 4 1 25.00
May 2022 136.23 161.15 38 10 26.32
April 2022 135.21 161.52 29 20 68.97
March 2022 130.93 147.17 19 13 68.42
February 2022 124.72 127.43 4 4 100
January 2022 129.98 151.97 17 5 29.41
December 2021 138.06 181.22 12 7 58.33
November 2021 133.79 158.94 28 18 64.29
October 2021 126.12 127.19 3 3 100
September 2021 124.08 137.26 17 9 52.94
August 2021 135.31 174.31 25 12 48.00
July 2021 143.24 154.22 2 1 50.00
June 2021 127.00 145.43 6 3 50.00
May 2021 131.84 181.17 26 14 53.85
April 2021 132.19 169.84 9 5 55.56
March 2021 134.43 180.49 97 56 57.73
February 2021 126.82 189.02 640 344 53.75
January 2021 118.71 162.98 1,213 611 50.37
December 2020 112.59 145.68 326 157 48.16
November 2020 100.92 111.13 10 3 30.00
List last races
List fastest races

Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
2582. 2023-12-28 17:07:15 149.51 There's a hole in the world like a great black pit. And the ... Win (1 of 2) 99% 92
2581. 2023-09-28 20:49:20 158.48 The only difference between lying and acting was whether you... Win (1 of 2) 99.2% 63
2580. 2023-09-28 20:49:00 141.74 The only difference between lying and acting was whether you... No win (1 of 1) 98.1% 57
2579. 2023-08-19 23:07:20 153.45 Some people are content in the midst of deprivation and dang... Win (1 of 3) 98% 202
2578. 2023-08-19 23:04:47 124.37 All the times that I've cried, keeping all the things I knew... Win (1 of 2) 97% 100
2577. 2023-08-16 11:59:45 137.90 At the doorway on my heart all the leaves are falling down, ... Win (1 of 2) 98% 113
2576. 2023-08-09 18:35:49 145.20 The only problem with the treatment was that it worked too w... No win (1 of 1) 99% 97
2575. 2023-08-03 18:36:45 135.96 One of the greatest attributes of God is power. Power to cre... No win (1 of 1) 98% 174
2574. 2023-06-10 22:16:05 165.65 A long, long time ago, I can still remember how that music u... Win (1 of 5) 99% 110
2573. 2023-05-26 14:23:16 149.20 The simple fact is that if you don't enjoy what you're doing... No win (1 of 1) 99% 139
2572. 2023-05-15 16:33:31 124.66 There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be f... Win (1 of 3) 98% 58
2571. 2023-05-15 16:33:01 138.90 The bully who oppressed your youth isn't at the table with u... Win (1 of 2) 99% 37
2570. 2023-05-13 18:34:12 133.55 Here we go, off the rails, don't you know it's time to raise... No win (1 of 1) 98% 100
2569. 2023-05-13 18:22:10 152.68 You had to kill the conversation, you always had the upper h... No win (1 of 1) 99% 155
2568. 2023-05-07 23:36:20 141.68 Well, you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air, but wil... No win (1 of 1) 98% 111
2567. 2023-05-07 23:27:42 156.64 I remember the night you were charged with practicing iambic... No win (1 of 1) 100% 37
2566. 2023-05-07 23:27:04 135.94 We should not shed tears. That is a surrender of the body to... No win (1 of 1) 98% 75
2565. 2023-04-25 10:54:58 137.77 Anna spoke not only naturally and intelligently, but intelli... No win (1 of 1) 98% 76
2564. 2023-04-25 10:54:23 132.08 When I was young, I had to choose between the life of being ... No win (1 of 1) 98% 185
2563. 2023-04-22 14:50:35 133.54 The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are ma... Win (1 of 3) 97% 154


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 2,582 189.02 124.12 1,576 December 28, 2023
Anime 107 160.70 119.66 68 February 9, 2021
Copypasta 28 148.13 119.71 19 September 26, 2021
breaking news 28 183.39 183.39 1 March 12, 2021
Jokes 13 126.08 94.96 12 February 2, 2021
Jon's Universe. Quack! 10 267.02 141.54 5 March 20, 2021
Dutch 9 116.47 97.86 9 November 22, 2021
Numbers 8 54.14 47.81 6 February 6, 2021
Dictionary 6 150.90 135.55 6 November 17, 2021
Instant Death Mode 3 121.77 115.98 3 February 24, 2021
Cheating Universe 3 129.15 127.19 2 January 26, 2021
Easy Texts 1 140.61 140.61 1 December 18, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 1 116.52 116.52 1 January 9, 2021
Book Contest 1 109.31 109.31 1 January 9, 2021