🇵🇸 (residober)

Race #29729

View Pit Stop page for race #29729 by residoberGhost race

View profile for 🇵🇸 (residober)

Official speed 182.58 wpm (14.39 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 185.54 wpm (230 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 187.82 wpm (172 ms elapsed before first character typed; 13.99 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 186.96 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 17, 2023 10:54:33pm UTC
Race Finish December 17, 2023 10:54:47pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 99.1%
Points 115.63
Text #3550101 (Length: 219 characters)

The rest of my attention is back at the offices of Facebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.

Characters typed The rest of my attention is back at the offices fof facFacebook, where my colleagues and I are doing things that no one in this room, including and especially your clients, are intellectually or creatively capable of doing.
Character T h e r e s t o f m y a t t e n t i o n
Milliseconds 172 84 61 63 57 46 30 81 57 35 89 41 115 116 67 71 55 103 44 35 97 35 33 28 74
Character i s b a c k a t t h e o f f i c e s f -f
Milliseconds 64 48 52 74 52 87 34 87 19 62 82 23 49 73 34 58 77 109 71 96 42 28 43 102 188
Character o f f a c -c -a -f F a c e b o o k , w h e r e
Milliseconds 51 43 83 47 33 128 167 133 92 58 91 60 49 186 31 140 132 159 66 74 80 52 62 66 56
Character m y c o l l e a g u e s a n d I a r e d
Milliseconds 92 65 58 94 31 131 97 37 21 76 89 52 41 64 55 50 54 53 99 62 61 18 33 62 67
Character o i n g t h i n g s t h a t n o o n e i
Milliseconds 43 37 18 33 80 37 41 31 74 17 13 77 76 65 31 57 27 42 42 77 54 45 41 34 50
Character n t h i s r o o m , i n c l u d i n g a n
Milliseconds 48 55 37 42 38 36 42 40 66 115 40 107 83 78 43 30 81 47 19 112 31 6 72 38 74
Character d e s p e c i a l l y y o u r c l i e n t s
Milliseconds 96 106 37 46 35 74 58 19 75 59 114 16 77 46 44 38 47 50 43 64 40 63 72 55 41
Character , a r e i n t e l l e c t u a l l y o r c
Milliseconds 59 92 56 68 48 49 66 40 43 32 62 94 23 41 125 33 74 36 87 43 80 29 67 81 48
Character r e a t i v e l y c a p a b l e o f d o i n
Milliseconds 57 52 74 143 83 75 36 72 64 59 101 55 37 116 67 65 87 52 67 39 71 27 43 42 34
Character g .
Milliseconds 34 55
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.29 83.37
0.58 145.9
0.86 166.74
1.15 156.32
1.44 166.74
1.73 173.69
2.02 178.65
2.3 182.37
2.59 189.9
2.88 183.41
3.17 181.9
3.45 173.69
3.74 163.53
4.03 151.85
4.32 147.29
4.61 148.5
4.89 144.67
5.18 143.58
5.47 144.8
5.76 145.9
6.05 144.9
6.33 149.69
6.62 152.24
6.91 154.58
7.2 160.07
7.48 165.14
7.77 165.2
8.06 168.23
8.35 172.49
8.64 175.08
8.92 173.46
9.21 174.56
9.5 178.11
9.79 176.55
10.08 178.65
10.36 178.32
10.65 181.39
10.94 181
11.23 181.7
11.51 183.41
11.8 184.02
12.09 183.61
12.38 184.19
12.67 184.74
12.95 183.41
13.24 183.05
13.53 182.7
13.82 182.37
14.11 184.6
14.39 182.58