$950 kevin rudd pay packet (quitless)

Race #9312

View Pit Stop page for race #9312 by quitlessGhost race

View profile for $950 kevin rudd pay packet (quitless)

Official speed 230.48 wpm (8.75 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 237.57 wpm (261 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 245.23 wpm (265 ms elapsed before first character typed; 8.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 243.77 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start October 14, 2023 4:43:15am UTC
Race Finish October 14, 2023 4:43:24am UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Opponents 1. joshua728 (247.30 wpm)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 122.92
Text #3622358 (Length: 168 characters)

Doubting someone is not necessarily a bad thing, because it is something that you do to get to know the person better. What is really bad is not being concerned at all.

Characters typed Doubting someone is not necessarily a bad thing, because it is something that you do to get to know the person better. What is really bad is not being concerned at all.
Character D o u b t i n g s o m e o n e i s n o t n
Milliseconds 265 84 41 41 82 65 47 41 41 70 19 35 48 67 23 32 54 35 29 47 43 31 28 41 41
Character e c e s s a r i l y a b a d t h i n g , b
Milliseconds 70 93 62 127 125 15 66 46 15 70 39 72 48 53 52 18 70 65 30 30 88 59 48 41 129
Character e c a u s e i t i s s o m e t h i n g t h
Milliseconds 46 107 22 54 22 36 41 44 46 35 41 40 77 47 50 51 17 54 47 30 64 42 41 80 26
Character a t y o u d o t o g e t t o k n o w
Milliseconds 63 19 46 53 14 17 46 24 78 52 53 35 52 48 76 36 47 59 71 29 88 17 13 40 48
Character t h e p e r s o n b e t t e r . W h a t i
Milliseconds 53 12 52 54 38 39 46 71 23 41 23 73 33 19 89 63 95 92 50 98 43 51 21 34 29
Character s r e a l l y b a d i s n o t b e i n g
Milliseconds 46 42 41 94 29 27 89 27 30 52 28 30 47 24 52 42 29 24 65 18 48 45 49 35 29
Character c o n c e r n e d a t a l l .
Milliseconds 67 55 37 30 63 88 48 30 58 112 53 47 54 16 95 0 84 100
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.17 0
0.35 68.59
0.52 114.32
0.7 137.19
0.87 164.63
1.05 182.92
1.22 205.78
1.4 214.36
1.57 205.78
1.75 198.93
1.92 199.55
2.1 205.78
2.27 205.78
2.45 205.78
2.62 210.36
2.8 210.07
2.97 205.78
3.15 209.6
3.32 213.01
3.5 216.07
3.67 218.85
3.85 218.26
4.02 220.7
4.2 222.93
4.37 227.74
4.55 229.53
4.72 228.65
4.9 227.83
5.07 229.44
5.25 233.22
5.42 234.55
5.6 235.8
5.77 236.96
5.95 234.03
6.12 231.26
6.3 230.56
6.47 233.59
6.65 232.86
6.82 233.93
7 236.65
7.17 239.25
7.35 240.08
7.52 240.88
7.7 240.08
7.87 240.84
8.05 238.59
8.22 239.35
8.4 238.65
8.57 235.18
8.75 230.48