
Race #211277

View Pit Stop page for race #211277 by mononym_jisooGhost race

View profile for (mononym_jisoo)

Official speed 363.64 wpm (1.55 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 370.32 wpm (28 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 375.00 wpm (19 ms elapsed before first character typed; 1.50 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 367.02 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start April 8, 2024 6:29:28am UTC
Race Finish April 8, 2024 6:29:29am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 60.61
Text #3810446 (Length: 47 characters)

They don't know that we know they know we know.

Characters typed They don't know that we know they know we know.
Character T h e y d o n ' t k n o w t h a t w e k
Milliseconds 19 0 39 25 31 29 30 63 62 0 11 48 41 31 30 30 17 28 29 15 47 16 60 42 48
Character n o w t h e y k n o w w e k n o w .
Milliseconds 31 18 0 71 60 27 61 29 34 27 47 27 19 42 15 30 18 0 74 12 15 75
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.03 773.69
0.06 580.27
0.09 515.8
0.12 483.56
0.16 464.22
0.19 451.32
0.22 386.85
0.25 386.85
0.28 343.86
0.31 425.53
0.34 386.85
0.37 386.85
0.4 386.85
0.43 386.85
0.47 386.85
0.5 386.85
0.53 386.85
0.56 386.85
0.59 407.21
0.62 386.85
0.65 405.27
0.68 386.85
0.71 386.85
0.74 386.85
0.78 371.37
0.81 371.97
0.84 372.52
0.87 386.85
0.9 373.51
0.93 373.95
0.96 361.89
0.99 362.67
1.02 363.4
1.05 352.71
1.09 353.69
1.12 354.61
1.15 355.48
1.18 356.31
1.21 357.09
1.24 357.83
1.27 358.54
1.3 368.43
1.33 368.85
1.36 378.06
1.4 369.65
1.43 370.03
1.46 378.62
1.49 370.73
1.52 363.16
1.55 363.64