View Pit Stop page for race #1456 by joshunq — Ghost race
View profile for joshu (joshunq)
Official speed | 199.42 wpm (19.44 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | December 23, 2020 2:44:24am UTC |
Race Finish | December 23, 2020 2:44:43am UTC |
Outcome | Win (1 of 5) |
Opponents |
2. _v3_ (159.53 wpm) 3. dmao (126.99 wpm) 4. deliberatedavid (121.81 wpm) |
Accuracy | 99.0% |
Points | 199.42 |
Text | #4180357 (Length: 323 characters) The big final rule for the comma is one that you won't find in any books by grammarians. It is quite easy to remember, however. The rule is: don't use commas like a stupid person. I mean it. More than any other mark, the comma requires the writer to use intelligent discretion and to be simply alert to potential ambiguity. |