View Pit Stop page for race #4174 by ivortso — Ghost race
View profile for Carter sucks dick (ivortso)
Official speed | 115.83 wpm (23.52 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | October 8, 2017 11:00:07am UTC |
Race Finish | October 8, 2017 11:00:31am UTC |
Outcome | No win (4 of 4) |
Opponents |
1. treiderik (161.77 wpm) 3. chawahir (131.47 wpm) |
Accuracy | 98.0% |
Points | 83.01 |
Text | #320 (Length: 227 characters) One essential rule: make sure the joke is the last possible thought, and don't add other words to the sentence after the joke. If you do, the audience will think that your take-off was only a setup for a bigger laugh coming up. |