sakthi (sakthiram17_17)

Race #391

View Pit Stop page for race #391 by sakthiram17_17Ghost race

View profile for sakthi (sakthiram17_17)

Official speed 95.15 wpm (54.10 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start August 9, 2022 6:20:22am UTC
Race Finish August 9, 2022 6:21:16am UTC
Outcome No win (4 of 4)
Opponents 1. vixt (160.00 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 126.86
Text #4180122 (Length: 429 characters)

You are the night you are the ocean. You are the light behind the cloud. You are the end and the beginning. A world where time is not allowed. There's no such thing as complication. To find our way we lose control. Remember love's our only mission. This is the journey of the soul. The perfect song is framed with silence. It speaks of places never seen. You hold your promise long forgotten. It is the birthplace of your dreams.