
Update races (Last import: 2024 July 16, 8:30:26pm UTC)
Races 1,811
Best last 10 races 309.28 wpm
Best single race 409.8 wpm
Average of fastest races
348.27 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 211.8813 wpm (1,162 total texts raced)
Wins 1,787 (98.67%)
Points 105,960.94
Average career speed 213.6 wpm
Accuracy 99.44%
100% accuracy races 221.49 wpm (66.43% of all races)
Career standard deviation 25.01 wpm
Coefficient of variation 11.71%
Top marathon 371 races in 24 hours, starting 2023 November 10, 6:27am

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
June 2024 228.34 349.15 207 194 93.72
May 2024 218.90 318.34 89 87 97.75
April 2024 256.45 409.80 12 11 91.67
March 2024 218.65 300.49 337 337 100
February 2024 202.48 236.54 32 31 96.88
January 2024 200.81 272.49 262 261 99.62
November 2023 205.45 308.70 553 551 99.64
September 2021 214.79 349.01 43 43 100
June 2021 213.62 270.76 23 23 100
May 2021 224.55 340.58 98 98 100
April 2021 284.46 318.46 4 4 100
February 2021 225.85 334.72 96 94 97.92
January 2021 228.05 308.03 43 42 97.67
May 2020 163.89 181.16 11 10 90.91
July 2010 37.75 37.75 1 1 100
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Last 20 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
1811. 2024-06-26 01:55:43 210.24 I'm tryna buy my neighbor house and turn it to a yard. If yo... No win (1 of 1) 100% 84
1810. 2024-06-24 03:48:39 188.68 Look, there's only one thing worse than being a loser. It's ... No win (1 of 1) 99% 123
1809. 2024-06-18 01:54:16 254.26 Sometimes the player dreamed it was lost in a story. Win (1 of 2) 100% 42
1808. 2024-06-18 01:23:25 192.42 If I told you that a flower bloomed in a dark room would you... No win (1 of 1) 99.5% 125
1807. 2024-06-13 21:33:00 221.78 A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow. Win (1 of 2) 100% 41
1806. 2024-06-13 21:32:23 247.82 You have just begun reading the sentence you have just finis... Win (1 of 2) 98.6% 50
1805. 2024-06-13 21:28:06 207.23 And when he came to, he was flat on his back on the beach in... Win (1 of 2) 98.6% 114
1804. 2024-06-13 21:27:36 188.44 If you should ever leave me though, life would still go on, ... Win (1 of 2) 97.1% 113
1803. 2024-06-13 21:26:54 199.41 Help a man when he is in trouble and he will remember you wh... Win (1 of 2) 100% 63
1802. 2024-06-13 21:26:25 225.97 If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go and w... Win (1 of 2) 100% 75
1801. 2024-06-13 21:24:33 203.65 I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with ... Win (1 of 2) 99.4% 109
1800. 2024-06-13 21:22:53 217.26 The more honest you are, the more open, the less fear you wi... Win (1 of 2) 99.3% 91
1799. 2024-06-13 21:21:54 211.22 It is only through the eyes of others that our lives have an... Win (1 of 2) 98.6% 49
1798. 2024-06-13 21:21:14 199.27 I am built upon the small things I do every day, and the end... Win (1 of 2) 98.2% 76
1797. 2024-06-13 21:18:58 251.19 It must be great to know what you want to do. Win (1 of 2) 100% 46
1796. 2024-06-13 21:16:45 245.30 Dreams can become reality! Win (1 of 2) 100% 16
1795. 2024-06-11 02:24:42 196.58 I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I al... No win (1 of 1) 99% 128
1794. 2024-06-11 02:22:31 191.76 It's better to read in the library. Sitting at my favorite t... No win (1 of 1) 99% 137
1793. 2024-06-11 01:11:20 188.51 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joi... Win (1 of 2) 99% 66
1792. 2024-06-11 01:06:18 192.34 Sally and I did not know what to say. Should we tell her the... No win (1 of 1) 100% 135


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 1,811 409.80 211.88 1,162 June 26, 2024
Dictionary 2 281.41 281.41 1 June 14, 2024
KeeganT's Universe 1 262.01 262.01 1 June 6, 2024