
Below you will find a set of texts used on TypeRacer. Certain texts only appear on certain difficulties.

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Rank ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating Top Score Top 100 Average Active Since
1. #1570029 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 26 18 1.752 133.50 (slyne) 94.57 94.57 May 16, 2021
2. #3550301 Maybe our old wounds teach us something. They remind us wher... 282 1 1.602 144.00blep (cloudjumper) 144.00 144.00 November 6, 2023
3. #3810763 You'll see one day when you move out it just sort of happens... 548 1 1.526 137.17blep (cloudjumper) 137.17 137.17 November 6, 2023
4. #1570030 I love to type crazy stuff. 27 12 1.416 151.53Zambrix (zambricks) 133.01 133.01 February 19, 2018
5. #1570008 无论如何他都不会。他会满面狐疑地看着你,... 390 6 1.242 106.15 (valikor) 81.15 81.15 September 19, 2010
6. #1570019 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... 110 1 1.204 102.89 (valikor) 102.89 102.89 September 6, 2011
7. #1570043 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is Vielle's favorite word... 82 24 1.173 161.05Volhosis (v... 84.61 84.61 February 19, 2018
8. #1570012 这种独立自主缺乏,这种道德上的愚蠢,这种... 311 5 1.165 99.19 (valikor) 71.39 71.39 August 31, 2011
9. #1570011 如果你刊登广告招聘一名速记员,应征者十有... 342 4 1.113 95.13 (valikor) 78.95 78.95 August 31, 2011
10. #1570044 aoeu789 7 28 1.112 176.47 (zak389) 92.01 92.01 November 5, 2023
11. #1970023 What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a rais... 249 18 1.088 133.58police (styrofoam) 95.52 95.52 January 31, 2019
12. #1570010 如果你是个聪明人,你就不会不嫌麻烦地对你... 243 6 1.076 91.95 (valikor) 65.68 65.68 September 3, 2010
13. #1970017 I will not play at tug o' war. I'd rather play at hug o' war... 227 27 1.073 141.15police (styrofoam) 88.77 88.77 August 25, 2017
14. #1970144 Scientific notation is a method used to express a number wri... 153 2 1.065 132.66police (styrofoam) 102.91 102.91 August 20, 2017
15. #1570002 又如何在三个星期里徒步穿越这个危机四伏的... 338 9 1.061 95.96 (valikor) 59.40 59.40 September 3, 2010
16. #541 But no matter how effective the lesson was, I never really u... 206 3 1.036 126.48 (zak389) 105.27 105.27 December 18, 2023
17. #1970154 Correlation is the trend in a set of data. A positive correl... 215 4 1.032 146.59police (styrofoam) 136.30 136.30 November 11, 2017
18. #1570007 如果读者不相信的话,我们可以来做个试验:... 357 4 1.031 97.89 (valikor) 64.43 64.43 September 19, 2010
19. #1570000 在所有关于古巴的事情当中,有一个人就像今... 402 8 1.023 68.64 (valikor) 55.23 55.23 August 5, 2010
20. #1570009 我取用10比1的赌注和你打赌,当你回答完他所... 371 7 1.012 96.79 (valikor) 68.52 68.52 September 19, 2010
21. #615 Air-conditioned, odorless, illuminated by buzzing fluorescen... 255 1 1.000 77.02Nmo (nmo63) 77.02 77.02 June 8, 2024
22. #753 From 1955 to 1990, the value of Japanese real estate increas... 293 1 1.000 65.35SkyPromp (skyprompdvorak) 65.35 65.35 February 26, 2024
23. #5390476 Every man had to die. He'd always found it odd that so many ... 177 1 1.000 149.31Mufat (mufattm_) 149.31 149.31 March 31, 2024
24. #5390435 Andy, you have to look inside and ask this question: who are... 111 1 1.000 69.50Logan (loganbog333) 69.50 69.50 June 19, 2024
25. #509 I've heard there was a secret chord that David played, and i... 237 1 1.000 141.54traben (ama_nesciri) 141.54 141.54 April 4, 2024
26. #1970149 Volume refers to the number of cubic units of space that an ... 76 16 0.922 136.90Zambrix (zambricks) 98.59 98.59 August 17, 2017
27. #1570005 当然,加西亚将军现已不在人世,但是,还有... 297 4 0.890 66.75 (valikor) 60.43 60.43 September 19, 2010
28. #1570036 Alphabet song: Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz, now I know my ABCs. 62 46 0.879 155.13Volhosis (v... 63.46 63.46 February 19, 2018
29. #1570004 这种精神永垂不朽!我们应该为这样的人塑一... 469 4 0.877 62.53 (valikor) 58.97 58.97 September 3, 2010
30. #1570001 这时有人对总统说:“有个叫罗文的人可以帮... 387 4 0.843 71.68 (valikor) 52.88 52.88 September 3, 2010
31. #1570038 This is a test to see if the full alphabet, i.e. abcdefghijk... 155 4 0.821 115.18police (styrofoam) 87.17 87.17 February 19, 2018
32. #1570006 漫不经心,马马虎虎,懒懒散散,以及心不在... 243 3 0.675 55.50 (valikor) 49.87 49.87 September 3, 2011
33. #5390444 Trust is an orchid, beautiful but delicate, requiring ideal ... 125 0 0.000 0.00 () 0.00 0.00 January 1, 1970
34. #5390478 The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition ... 209 0 0.000 0.00 () 0.00 0.00 January 1, 1970
35. #402 Is it sweeter to exist only in the mind or to exist both in ... 295 0 0.000 0.00 () 0.00 0.00 January 1, 1970
36. #5390451 I didn't join a band so I could talk about my feelings. I jo... 107 0 0.000 0.00 () 0.00 0.00 January 1, 1970