
Below you will find a set of texts used on TypeRacer. Certain texts only appear on certain difficulties.

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Rank ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating Top Score Top 100 Average Active Since
1. #4180363 If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than ... 76 1 1.132 146.65You're procrastinating agai... 146.65 146.65 November 16, 2023
2. #4300006 To make something special you just have to believe it's spec... 64 9 1.079 164.67police (styrofoam) 123.33 123.33 February 5, 2021
3. #4180366 Your mind is like this water, my friend. When it is agitated... 147 7 1.021 166.07police (styrofoam) 118.58 118.58 January 26, 2021
4. #4300004 Your story may not have such a happy beginning but that does... 131 13 1.018 168.42police (styrofoam) 123.89 123.89 February 5, 2021
5. #4180757 Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a ... 103 18 0.996 148.56police (styrofoam) 111.75 111.75 February 5, 2021
6. #4180365 You are too concerned with what was and what will be. There ... 176 12 0.987 145.59police (styrofoam) 87.38 87.38 March 6, 2021
7. #4300005 You are the master of your destiny: No one and nothing can c... 107 10 0.955 145.00police (styrofoam) 116.19 116.19 February 5, 2021