Texts missing for Logan (loganbog333)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
3811220 Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give y... 266 9 1.0081
3811223 Diane, 7:30 AM, February 24. Entering town of Twin Peaks. Five miles south of th... 412 7 0.9069
3811224 I carry a log - yes. Is it funny to you? It is not to me. Behind all things are ... 304 8 0.9460
3811225 Sometimes ideas, like men, jump up and say 'hello'. They introduce themselves, t... 369 10 0.9689
3811227 There's a sort of evil out there. Something very, very strange in these old wood... 248 11 1.0468
3811228 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Yet there are those who open many eyes. Ey... 399 10 1.0111
3811229 A vision I had in my sleep last night - as distinguished from a dream which is m... 563 11 0.9439
3811230 Miscommunication sometimes leads to arguments, and arguments sometimes lead to f... 494 7 0.9755
3811231 So now the sadness comes - the revelation. There is a depression after an answer... 354 7 1.0578
3811234 It's not really a place; it's a feeling. Sometimes riding at night I punch off t... 155 1 1.0890
3811235 Harry, I have no idea where this will lead us, but I have a definite feeling it ... 123 0 0.0000
3811236 Audrey, there are many cures for a broken heart. But nothing quite like a trout'... 104 1 0.9214
4180013 Do you know where dreams come from? Acetylcholine neurons fire high-voltage impu... 222 5 0.9519
4180227 My shadow is always with me. Sometimes ahead, sometimes behind, sometimes to the... 145 1 1.1495
4180577 Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that... 425 10 0.9136