Texts missing for alex (alexaesopos)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
4360000 Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest and you all know it! ... 141 264 0.9908
4360001 The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese order to make U... 114 290 0.9385
4360002 You know the funny thing, I don't get along with rich people. I get along with t... 161 371 1.1040
4360003 You look at Nebraska, you look at Idaho, you look at Iowa... I could name many c... 91 315 0.9507
4360004 Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs on a great game, and a fantastic comeb... 223 192 0.9271
4360006 Many people are dying who haven't died before. 46 417 1.0590
4360007 Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're r... 91 289 0.9796
4360008 I would build a great wall, and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me, ... 214 283 1.0119
4360010 I don't want panic in the country. I could cause panic much better than even you... 260 332 1.0779
4360011 You've really put a big investment in our country. We appreciate it very much Ti... 88 351 1.0000
4360012 And remember the $5 billion website? Five billion we spent on a website, and to ... 241 196 0.9459
4360013 My Twitter has become so powerful that I can actually make my enemies tell the t... 85 364 1.0506
4360014 Lowest rated Oscars in HISTORY. Problem is, we don't have Stars anymore - except... 123 178 0.8684
4360015 I like China. I just sold an apartment for $15 million to someone from China. Am... 108 268 0.9513
4360016 That's one of the nice things. I mean, part of the beauty of me is that I'm very... 237 177 0.9460
4360017 Sure, I got deferments. Would you really want a president who was dumb enough to... 105 316 1.0133
4360018 Right now, in a number of states the laws allow a baby to be born from his or he... 146 364 1.0598
4360019 We will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea. Rocketman is on a sui... 124 338 1.0054
4360020 He said I have small hands. They're not small, are they? I've never heard that o... 162 275 0.9852
4360021 And he referred to my hands. If they're small, something else must be small. I g... 125 305 0.9987
4360022 Despite the constant negative press covfefe. 44 406 0.9764
4360023 I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean, I want to help women. 64 377 1.0128
4360025 Windmills are the greatest threat in the US to both bald and golden eagles. Medi... 125 315 0.9853
4360026 We should have gotten more of the oil in Syria, and we should have gotten more o... 112 300 1.0309
4360027 I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke. 51 373 1.0283
4360029 I'm the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody's ... 256 238 0.9744
4360030 It has not been easy for me. And, you know, I started off in Brooklyn. My father... 123 301 0.9917
4360032 Apologizing is a great thing but you have to be wrong. I will absolutely apologi... 142 326 1.0172
4360033 People like me from previous months, okay? Total control. Bing bing bong bong, b... 125 300 0.9617
4360034 When it comes to great steaks, I've just raised the stakes! The Sharper Image is... 1412 81 0.8999
4360035 I'm the one that brought back football. By the way, I brought back Big Ten footb... 123 309 0.9992
4360036 I don't want to pay tax. Before I came here, I was a private developer, I was a ... 209 297 1.0217
4360037 Every year I get the call. California's burning, California's burning. If that w... 320 157 1.0231
4360038 Millions and millions of people voted for us tonight. And a very sad group of pe... 160 65 1.0223
4360039 This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country.... 203 50 0.9922
4360040 We'll be going to the US Supreme Court. We want all voting to stop. We don't wan... 164 58 0.9844
4360041 I won the election! I won this election, by a lot! 50 34 0.9665
4360042 I represent all of you, whether you voted for me or against me. And I'm going to... 110 47 1.0243
4360043 Joe, I ran because of you. I ran because of Barack Obama. Because you did a poor... 142 66 1.0121
4360044 He said we have to help our small businesses. By raising the minimum wage? That'... 131 62 1.0260
4360045 They say the stock market will boom if I'm elected. If he's elected, the stock m... 97 59 1.0549
4360046 I have many bank accounts and they're all listed and they're all over the place. 80 44 1.0966
4360047 I get treated worse than the tea party got treated... I get treated very badly b... 90 27 0.9991
4360048 We don't need money. We have plenty of money. In fact, we beat Hillary Clinton w... 140 67 1.0062
4360049 We can't lock ourselves up in a basement like Joe does. He has the ability to lo... 140 78 1.0695
4360050 I'd like to terminate Obamacare, come up with a brand new, beautiful healthcare.... 199 56 1.0209
4360051 They want to make bigger windows into smaller windows. If you had no window it w... 103 88 1.1449
4360052 I know more about wind than you do. It's extremely expensive. Kills all the bird... 134 73 1.0180
4360053 It's worse than paying. I paid in advance. It's called prepaying your taxes. I p... 96 91 0.9475
4360054 I'm the one who brought back football. By the way, I brought back Big Ten footba... 122 64 1.0033
4360055 I wear a mask when needed... I don't wear masks like him. Every time you see him... 187 36 1.0004
4360056 Insulin - it was destroying families, destroying people, the cost. I'm getting i... 149 55 0.9541
4360057 If I see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, I can't go along with i... 94 76 1.0228
4360058 "I'm not going to answer the question.". "Why wouldn't you answer that question?... 174 30 0.8970
4360059 That was said sarcastically, and you know that. That was said sarcastically. 76 73 1.0140
4360060 Did you use the word smart? So you said you went to Delaware State, but you forg... 274 57 1.0052
4360061 I want crystal clean water and air. I want beautiful clean air. We have now the ... 161 64 1.0312
4360062 Don't ever use the word smart with me. Don't ever use that word. 64 37 1.1008