Text #1590046

I hope, or I could not live.

—from H.G. Wells, a book by The Island of Dr. Moreau

Active since August 28, 2016.
28 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 319
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. (slyne) 222.08 100% 2023-11-17
2. (shazman) 220.04 100% 2019-03-28
3. thumb space for fun (supere... 211.45 100% 2016-10-27
4. YouTube: 8shaz8 (treiderik) 211.32 100% 2016-09-08
5. chillin (slekap) 209.87 100% 2020-11-18
6. God help us (novabond) 209.35 100% 2017-10-28
7. Martin (250 ELO) (iamtrasha... 205.88 100% 2022-11-20
8. taran (slowaccount) 202.41 100% 2018-04-10
9. (zak389) 201.37 100% 2024-09-12
10. Liban (hujala) 198.93 100% 2018-06-14
11. 🌹 Black Rose 🌹 (typi... 188.13 100% 2017-08-30
12. (nonquit) 186.05 100% 2019-04-23
13. amaranshin ghost (izanagiii) 181.92 100% 2020-08-11
14. Itay (itay5621) 180.06 100% 2019-03-01
15. pear_in_prayer (panama_) 177.50 100% 2023-07-03
16. beat me if u can ; (bblaise) 175.82 100% 2019-09-13
17. ;) (onahc) 172.48 100% 2022-04-17
18. (defined) 171.95 100% 2016-11-17
19. Hafma (somaliangirl) 171.25 100% 2017-06-11
20. Supporting Israel (zombiesw... 171.25 100% 2021-08-11
21. (zambricks) 170.80 100% 2024-05-16
22. police (styrofoam) 170.39 100% 2019-02-13
23. napkin (call_me_napkin) 169.87 100% 2020-08-29
24. ok (mbpt) 168.93 100% 2020-03-01
25. discord.gg/typeracer (landa... 167.66 100% 2020-06-06
26. :) (heyimpakistani) 167.16 100% 2020-10-23
27. in a year of 13 moons (misp... 166.01 100% 2018-11-24
28. Cameron (gnikgg) 165.93 100% 2017-01-22
29. rain (rainnonquit) 164.63 100% 2019-10-17
30. Juudge (reburm) 164.22 57% 2017-04-13


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Easy Texts 894 103.22 August 28, 2016