B R E N loves Zambrix (pugslyyy)

Race #57485

View Pit Stop page for race #57485 by pugslyyyGhost race

View profile for B R E N loves Zambrix (pugslyyy)

Official speed 207.68 wpm (3.24 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 211.79 wpm (63 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 211.92 wpm (2 ms elapsed before first character typed; 3.17 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 208.14 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start September 15, 2024 7:54:49am UTC
Race Finish September 15, 2024 7:54:52am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 45.00
Text #4660065 (Length: 56 characters)

When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.

Characters typed When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.
Character W h e n I s a y i t d o e s n ' t h u r
Milliseconds 2 67 73 71 47 101 69 59 41 44 74 103 47 44 57 52 80 62 0 26 91 20 50 128 34
Character t m e , t h a t m e a n s I c a n b e
Milliseconds 23 59 68 130 18 89 49 31 52 53 36 56 65 63 38 50 59 92 70 49 40 23 78 60 57
Character a r i t .
Milliseconds 33 100 42 50 26 72
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.06 185.43
0.13 185.43
0.19 185.43
0.26 185.43
0.32 185.43
0.39 185.43
0.45 185.43
0.52 185.43
0.58 206.03
0.65 185.43
0.71 185.43
0.78 185.43
0.84 185.43
0.91 198.68
0.97 197.79
1.04 197.02
1.1 207.25
1.16 206.03
1.23 204.95
1.29 213.25
1.36 203.09
1.42 202.29
1.49 209.62
1.55 208.61
1.62 207.68
1.68 199.7
1.75 206.03
1.81 198.68
1.88 198.22
1.94 203.97
2.01 203.38
2.07 208.61
2.14 207.91
2.2 207.25
2.26 206.62
2.33 211.19
2.39 210.49
2.46 204.95
2.52 204.45
2.59 203.97
2.65 208.04
2.72 207.51
2.78 206.99
2.85 206.5
2.91 210.16
2.98 205.59
3.04 209.1
3.11 212.47
3.17 208.14
3.24 207.68