
Race #5261

View Pit Stop page for race #5261 by fenno4Ghost race

View profile for (fenno4)

Official speed 184.52 wpm (12.94 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 185.81 wpm (90 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 191.16 wpm (360 ms elapsed before first character typed; 12.49 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 190.20 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 9, 2024 2:26:07am UTC
Race Finish December 9, 2024 2:26:20am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. kivattt (121.36 wpm)
3. daemonen (111.36 wpm)
4. gresketh (67.34 wpm)
Accuracy 99.5%
Points 119.94
Text #3640131 (Length: 199 characters)

How can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I've become so numb without a soul. My spirit's sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home.

Characters typed How can you see into my eyes like open doors leading you down into my core where I've become so numb without a soul. BMy sMy spirit's sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there and lead it back home.
Character H o w c a n y o u s e e i n t o m y e
Milliseconds 360 37 58 49 60 46 45 65 34 23 60 52 67 54 126 78 24 65 36 67 48 59 105 39 102
Character y e s l i k e o p e n d o o r s l e a d i
Milliseconds 77 89 112 67 89 54 40 74 33 88 89 60 30 60 66 78 100 51 93 56 89 56 9 58 57
Character n g y o u d o w n i n t o m y c o r e
Milliseconds 56 89 56 27 56 34 58 56 68 54 53 36 70 45 67 52 53 62 46 71 35 58 58 63 59
Character w h e r e I ' v e b e c o m e s o n u m b
Milliseconds 57 54 68 111 90 31 148 140 87 34 53 64 52 70 0 87 51 41 87 33 57 54 90 90 112
Character w i t h o u t a s o u l . B M y s -B -M -y
Milliseconds 85 72 34 39 69 58 29 55 60 91 85 0 90 33 111 87 48 104 0 50 69 56 212 0 0
Character - -s M y s p i r i t ' s s l e e p i n g s o
Milliseconds 0 0 178 55 59 82 55 34 91 62 26 97 104 36 92 51 59 122 91 50 36 93 18 71 54
Character m e w h e r e c o l d u n t i l y o u f i
Milliseconds 91 32 77 67 33 80 30 90 22 46 76 36 57 47 60 34 64 26 90 33 34 20 92 21 69
Character n d i t t h e r e a n d l e a d i t b
Milliseconds 56 30 55 32 61 89 89 19 34 93 33 54 54 59 33 58 54 64 0 60 30 59 30 90 59
Character a c k h o m e .
Milliseconds 54 32 56 32 57 90 33 81 65
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.26 0
0.52 92.72
0.78 139.09
1.04 162.27
1.29 157.63
1.55 169.99
1.81 165.58
2.07 162.27
2.33 164.84
2.59 166.9
2.85 168.59
3.11 166.13
3.36 171.18
3.62 172.2
3.88 179.27
4.14 179.65
4.4 182.72
4.66 185.45
4.92 185.45
5.18 183.13
5.44 181.03
5.69 181.23
5.95 181.42
6.21 183.52
6.47 183.59
6.73 180.1
6.99 183.73
7.25 182.14
7.51 183.85
7.77 180.81
8.02 174.98
8.28 169.51
8.54 169.99
8.8 171.81
9.06 170.88
9.32 171.28
9.58 170.41
9.84 172.03
10.09 172.37
10.35 173.86
10.61 176.4
10.87 177.72
11.13 178.98
11.39 180.18
11.65 180.3
11.91 182.42
12.17 183.47
12.42 184.48
12.68 185.45
12.94 184.52