
Race #5254

View Pit Stop page for race #5254 by fenno4Ghost race

View profile for (fenno4)

Official speed 178.46 wpm (15.06 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 179.68 wpm (102 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 180.85 wpm (97 ms elapsed before first character typed; 14.86 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 180.04 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 17, 2024 2:42:34am UTC
Race Finish November 17, 2024 2:42:49am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 3. ednoquit (115.34 wpm)
5. andystarr (80.78 wpm)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 104.10
Text #4180515 (Length: 224 characters)

Our customers are nervous about financial decisions because money is a massive stressor, so let's use reassuring words in our inline help hints, as well as live previews and confirmation patterns to improve their confidence.

Characters typed Our customers are nervous about financial decisions because money is a massive stressor, so let's use reassuring words in our inline help hints, as well as live previews and confirmation patterns to improve their confidence.
Character O u r c u s t o m e r s a r e n e r v o u s
Milliseconds 97 124 82 57 19 54 54 54 68 76 85 63 118 34 54 61 51 69 56 93 53 119 35 56 57
Character a b o u t f i n a n c i a l d e c i s i o n
Milliseconds 53 60 66 87 22 32 85 58 36 91 90 87 56 69 20 92 89 29 73 129 0 113 66 76 35
Character s b e c a u s e m o n e y i s a m a s s
Milliseconds 54 69 92 49 57 30 72 42 67 56 59 118 58 120 34 74 74 76 65 90 56 92 17 128 121
Character i v e s t r e s s o r , s o l e t ' s u s
Milliseconds 0 111 56 64 50 64 90 82 125 87 60 89 92 51 88 56 37 85 71 42 68 145 53 59 89
Character e r e a s s u r i n g w o r d s i n o u r
Milliseconds 69 16 124 34 54 92 201 175 55 127 53 90 66 58 88 19 93 87 54 31 98 49 33 50 41
Character i n l i n e h e l p h i n t s , a s w e
Milliseconds 87 37 79 63 57 87 92 51 58 55 67 59 54 64 57 111 70 55 69 53 58 56 67 49 57
Character l l a s l i v e p r e v i e w s a n d c
Milliseconds 36 114 29 70 46 86 66 72 40 56 64 58 35 110 67 90 55 54 56 65 63 85 50 40 51
Character o n f i r m a t i o n p a t t e r n s t o i
Milliseconds 32 62 125 18 126 91 50 92 66 17 61 83 37 50 63 124 56 89 31 145 56 52 94 33 105
Character m p r o v e t h e i r c o n f i d e n c e .
Milliseconds 72 55 54 70 55 87 35 54 21 71 0 57 52 68 20 59 68 18 67 57 112 9 55 72
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.3 79.67
0.6 159.34
0.9 159.34
1.2 169.3
1.51 167.31
1.81 179.26
2.11 182.1
2.41 179.26
2.71 181.47
3.01 175.27
3.31 181.07
3.61 179.26
3.92 183.85
4.22 179.26
4.52 180.58
4.82 179.26
5.12 178.09
5.42 179.26
5.72 176.11
6.02 173.28
6.33 174.51
6.63 173.82
6.93 173.19
7.23 174.28
7.53 170.49
7.83 167
8.13 168.19
8.43 167.88
8.74 170.33
9.04 171.29
9.34 170.9
9.64 171.79
9.94 171.41
10.24 172.23
10.54 174.14
10.84 173.72
11.15 175.49
11.45 174.02
11.75 174.66
12.05 176.27
12.35 174.88
12.65 175.46
12.95 176.01
13.25 175.64
13.56 175.27
13.86 175.79
14.16 176.29
14.46 178.43
14.76 178.85
15.06 178.46