
Race #5252

View Pit Stop page for race #5252 by fenno4Ghost race

View profile for (fenno4)

Official speed 153.60 wpm (19.45 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 154.24 wpm (81 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 156.99 wpm (339 ms elapsed before first character typed; 19.03 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 156.36 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 17, 2024 2:39:26am UTC
Race Finish November 17, 2024 2:39:45am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 2. ednoquit (102.23 wpm)
Accuracy 98.4%
Points 112.64
Text #4350232 (Length: 249 characters)

Everyone is afraid of something. We fear things because we value them. We fear losing people because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish you didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything.

Characters typed Everyone is afraid of something. We fear things because we value th,m. THEthem. We fear losing people, becapeople because we love them. We fear dying because we value being alive. Don't wish yo didn'tyou didn't fear anything. All that would mean is that you didn't feel anything.
Character E v e r y o n e i s a f r a i d o f s o m
Milliseconds 339 57 67 76 50 132 67 51 59 31 58 69 75 68 127 21 50 32 59 55 65 56 58 84 92
Character e t h i n g . W e f e a r t h i n g s b e
Milliseconds 58 66 22 56 65 90 147 32 115 120 56 55 85 16 43 70 89 23 46 71 72 77 54 67 54
Character c a u s e w e v a l u e t h , m . -t -h -, -m
Milliseconds 59 33 73 38 69 51 90 57 29 93 35 79 28 161 43 63 29 64 55 89 55 215 0 0 0
Character -. - T H E -T -H -E t h e m . W e f e a r l o s
Milliseconds 0 0 148 46 37 205 0 0 267 30 53 89 52 39 176 144 56 59 67 33 53 58 89 55 93
Character i n g p e o p l e , b e c a -p -e -o -p -l -e -, - -b
Milliseconds 33 90 54 57 62 81 28 61 89 34 20 36 56 102 51 19 181 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Character -e -c -a p e o p l e b e c a u s e w e l o v e
Milliseconds 0 0 0 213 89 34 44 87 35 56 68 55 104 37 38 56 86 50 64 66 53 35 92 56 52
Character t h e m . W e f e a r d y i n g b e c a
Milliseconds 55 67 24 67 58 88 51 131 108 32 115 62 34 54 57 58 33 145 55 68 53 34 81 102 13
Character u s e w e v a l u e b e i n g a l i v e .
Milliseconds 60 67 54 58 55 89 35 85 36 113 15 143 53 55 69 61 73 67 55 57 31 148 80 38 162
Character D o n ' t w i s h y o d i d n ' t -y -o - -d
Milliseconds 33 153 63 60 52 32 58 33 24 68 46 40 51 4 92 88 49 99 88 0 28 148 0 0 0
Character -i -d -n -' -t y o u d i d n ' t f e a r a n y t
Milliseconds 0 0 0 0 0 160 16 75 75 47 41 86 87 30 32 83 57 91 202 90 118 35 78 90 89
Character h i n g . A l l t h a t w o u l d m e a n
Milliseconds 48 18 117 28 158 17 181 144 94 84 21 60 68 51 34 54 31 36 82 28 57 55 70 0 89
Character i s t h a t y o u d i d n ' t f e e l
Milliseconds 19 71 107 35 89 51 4 94 30 58 32 36 72 36 71 70 92 25 24 43 112 64 107 42 89
Character a n y t h i n g .
Milliseconds 48 59 93 86 33 48 62 33 89
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.39 30.84
0.78 92.53
1.17 133.65
1.56 154.22
1.95 154.22
2.33 159.36
2.72 154.22
3.11 165.78
3.5 167.93
3.89 172.72
4.28 173.84
4.67 167.07
5.06 154.22
5.45 143.2
5.84 137.77
6.22 138.8
6.61 141.52
7 142.22
7.39 139.61
7.78 132.63
8.17 126.31
8.56 130.38
8.95 132.76
9.34 136.23
9.73 139.41
10.12 139.98
10.5 141.65
10.89 143.2
11.28 144.64
11.67 145.99
12.06 147.25
12.45 148.43
12.84 147.67
13.23 148.77
13.62 149.81
14.01 145.65
14.4 144.21
14.78 145.29
15.17 144.73
15.56 144.96
15.95 145.94
16.34 144.67
16.73 144.89
17.12 147.21
17.51 148.73
17.9 150.19
18.29 151.59
18.67 152.29
19.06 152.96
19.45 153.6