jse (dragoncityjose)

Race #60181

View Pit Stop page for race #60181 by dragoncityjoseGhost race

View profile for jse (dragoncityjose)

Official speed 171.14 wpm (7.92 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 173.11 wpm (90 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 173.16 wpm (2 ms elapsed before first character typed; 7.83 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 171.63 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 11, 2024 7:01:22am UTC
Race Finish December 11, 2024 7:01:30am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 98.3%
Points 71.31
Text #3100092 (Length: 113 characters)

When I close my eyes, I am at the center of the sun. And I cannot be hurt by anything this wicked world has done.

Characters typed When I close my eyes, I am at the center of the sun. And I cannot be hurt by anyonthing this wicked world has done.
Character W h e n I c l o s e m y e y e s , I a
Milliseconds 2 60 29 21 62 89 43 51 52 98 41 10 31 64 48 56 70 50 56 39 56 51 95 42 109
Character m a t t h e c e n t e r o f t h e s u
Milliseconds 70 57 69 62 64 62 35 30 60 62 30 42 97 81 57 61 49 36 56 55 12 35 55 57 39
Character n . A n d I c a n n o t b e h u r t b
Milliseconds 29 98 35 35 68 24 60 97 42 70 34 30 95 35 43 61 13 92 48 34 45 32 76 52 45
Character y a n y o n -n -o t h i n g t h i s w i c k e
Milliseconds 222 76 76 64 76 105 29 393 77 84 62 42 35 15 74 217 89 28 50 83 33 79 33 49 65
Character d w o r l d h a s d o n e .
Milliseconds 25 78 40 63 34 420 120 7 73 388 23 127 106 55 31 61 75
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.16 302.9
0.32 265.04
0.48 227.18
0.63 246.11
0.79 242.32
0.95 239.8
1.11 238
1.27 227.18
1.43 218.76
1.58 219.61
1.74 213.41
1.9 220.87
2.06 215.53
2.22 216.36
2.38 217.08
2.54 222.45
2.69 227.18
2.85 222.97
3.01 227.18
3.17 223.39
3.33 223.57
3.49 223.74
3.64 223.89
3.8 227.18
3.96 227.18
4.12 218.44
4.28 215.96
4.44 213.66
4.6 208.9
4.75 201.94
4.91 195.42
5.07 189.32
5.23 188.17
5.39 191.54
5.55 186.07
5.7 185.11
5.86 186.25
6.02 187.32
6.18 188.34
6.34 189.32
6.5 186.54
6.66 182.1
6.81 179.63
6.97 180.71
7.13 176.69
7.29 172.85
7.45 172.4
7.61 170.38
7.76 173.09
7.92 171.14