jse (dragoncityjose)

Race #60172

View Pit Stop page for race #60172 by dragoncityjoseGhost race

View profile for jse (dragoncityjose)

Official speed 185.64 wpm (7.24 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 188.00 wpm (91 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 188.13 wpm (5 ms elapsed before first character typed; 7.14 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 186.45 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 11, 2024 6:53:55am UTC
Race Finish December 11, 2024 6:54:02am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 58.79
Text #3640820 (Length: 112 characters)

It wasn't the torture that broke me. It wasn't the indoctrination. It was time. Time rots everything, even hope.

Characters typed It wasn't the torture that broke me. It wasn't the indoctrination. It was time. Time rots everything, even hope.
Character I t w a s n ' t t h e t o r t u r e t h a
Milliseconds 5 69 56 43 26 21 27 104 43 29 67 21 55 59 52 57 50 98 68 48 49 33 106 22 55
Character t b r o k e m e . I t w a s n ' t t h e
Milliseconds 41 41 35 77 54 36 64 60 63 90 54 76 105 80 13 109 35 35 71 117 41 48 70 42 29
Character i n d o c t r i n a t i o n . I t w a s t
Milliseconds 74 50 41 397 68 73 135 43 84 26 56 35 51 21 5 117 65 96 68 90 23 26 70 15 50
Character i m e . T i m e r o t s e v e r y t h i n g
Milliseconds 74 21 50 56 60 112 36 74 174 200 86 67 45 33 47 83 43 96 55 113 117 131 29 35 64
Character , e v e n h o p e .
Milliseconds 75 54 53 47 61 48 38 60 50 70 69 95
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.14 248.63
0.29 290.06
0.43 276.25
0.58 269.34
0.72 248.63
0.87 234.81
1.01 236.79
1.16 227.91
1.3 230.21
1.45 232.05
1.59 233.56
1.74 234.81
1.88 229.5
2.03 219.03
2.17 221
2.32 217.55
2.46 214.5
2.61 211.79
2.75 218.09
2.9 215.48
3.04 209.16
3.19 199.65
3.33 194.58
3.48 193.38
3.62 188.96
3.76 191.25
3.91 199.51
4.05 195.35
4.2 194.33
4.34 190.61
4.49 197.83
4.63 199.42
4.78 198.4
4.92 197.44
5.07 196.53
5.21 193.38
5.36 188.15
5.5 187.56
5.65 189.13
5.79 190.61
5.94 187.99
6.08 187.46
6.23 185.02
6.37 186.47
6.52 186.01
6.66 187.37
6.81 188.67
6.95 188.2
7.1 187.74
7.24 185.64