jse (dragoncityjose)

Race #60170

View Pit Stop page for race #60170 by dragoncityjoseGhost race

View profile for jse (dragoncityjose)

Official speed 166.94 wpm (8.05 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 168.17 wpm (59 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 168.23 wpm (3 ms elapsed before first character typed; 7.99 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 166.73 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 11, 2024 6:53:27am UTC
Race Finish December 11, 2024 6:53:35am UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 2)
Accuracy 98.3%
Points 52.86
Text #3640820 (Length: 112 characters)

It wasn't the torture that broke me. It wasn't the indoctrination. It was time. Time rots everything, even hope.

Characters typed It wasn't the torture that broke me. It wasn't the intdoctrination. It was time. Tims e rots everything, even hope.
Character I t w a s n ' t t h e t o r t u r e t h a
Milliseconds 3 46 76 38 16 50 23 112 28 41 67 45 11 114 88 71 38 115 94 18 44 79 68 54 52
Character t b r o k e m e . I t w a s n ' t t h e
Milliseconds 14 54 37 49 73 49 69 72 269 84 54 62 80 94 7 77 7 47 52 91 60 34 85 13 63
Character i n t -t d o c t r i n a t i o n . I t w a s
Milliseconds 54 125 24 61 355 89 78 60 133 105 29 26 171 51 55 23 11 125 50 77 60 63 50 23 55
Character t i m e . T i m s - -s e r o t s e v e r
Milliseconds 27 56 54 26 32 61 33 85 81 28 272 134 301 78 69 21 93 45 70 44 48 103 70 93 49
Character y t h i n g , e v e n h o p e .
Milliseconds 115 111 35 41 20 42 118 35 21 64 57 60 57 41 54 64 64 80
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.16 223.58
0.32 260.84
0.48 248.42
0.64 242.21
0.81 223.58
0.97 211.16
1.13 212.93
1.29 214.26
1.45 215.3
1.61 216.13
1.77 216.81
1.93 204.95
2.09 194.92
2.25 191.64
2.42 188.8
2.58 195.63
2.74 197.28
2.9 194.6
3.06 200.05
3.22 197.5
3.38 188.09
3.54 179.54
3.7 174.98
3.86 173.9
4.03 169.92
4.19 171.98
4.35 168.38
4.51 173.01
4.67 172.18
4.83 173.9
4.99 177.9
5.15 181.66
5.31 180.67
5.47 181.93
5.64 176.73
5.8 171.83
5.96 167.18
6.12 162.78
6.28 160.52
6.44 162.1
6.6 163.6
6.76 161.47
6.92 162.92
7.08 160.91
7.25 163.96
7.41 163.63
7.57 164.91
7.73 166.13
7.89 167.3
8.05 166.94