jse (dragoncityjose)

Race #60168

View Pit Stop page for race #60168 by dragoncityjoseGhost race

View profile for jse (dragoncityjose)

Official speed 202.28 wpm (6.64 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 203.99 wpm (232 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 204.12 wpm (4 ms elapsed before first character typed; 6.41 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 202.25 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 11, 2024 6:52:50am UTC
Race Finish December 11, 2024 6:52:56am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 99.1%
Points 67.43
Text #3622177 (Length: 112 characters)

Buying rings like you're a millionaire and to songs that you've haven't heard. You should know that I know this.

Characters typed Buying rings like you're a millionaire and to songs that you haven't heard. You should know what hat I know this.
Character B u y i n g r i n g s l i k e y o u ' r e
Milliseconds 4 66 99 78 28 45 67 68 56 31 46 16 46 151 19 44 59 57 61 46 23 126 23 28 18
Character a m i l l i o n a i r e a n d t o s o n g
Milliseconds 70 62 21 32 56 111 146 62 64 111 293 81 35 54 104 70 49 73 108 52 47 41 63 36 38
Character s t h a t y o u h a v e n ' t h e a r d .
Milliseconds 15 34 94 32 47 28 57 42 48 21 61 59 20 14 47 48 118 34 49 43 48 50 35 68 28
Character Y o u s h o u l d k n o w w h a t -w -h -a
Milliseconds 54 80 56 18 31 75 27 36 7 67 54 43 78 20 13 54 44 64 52 73 20 110 284 0 0
Character - h a t I k n o w t h i s .
Milliseconds 0 35 37 43 33 95 96 51 6 22 30 40 68 30 20 68 54
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.13 180.61
0.27 180.61
0.4 210.71
0.53 203.18
0.66 234.79
0.8 195.66
0.93 219.31
1.06 214.47
1.2 210.71
1.33 225.76
1.46 229.86
1.59 225.76
1.73 215.34
1.86 206.41
1.99 204.69
2.13 197.54
2.26 185.92
2.39 180.61
2.52 185.36
2.66 180.61
2.79 180.61
2.92 180.61
3.06 184.53
3.19 188.13
3.32 187.83
3.46 194.5
3.59 197.33
3.72 196.73
3.85 205.52
3.99 201.68
4.12 203.91
4.25 206
4.39 207.97
4.52 207.17
4.65 208.99
4.78 213.22
4.92 212.33
5.05 216.25
5.18 215.34
5.32 209.95
5.45 204.83
5.58 199.96
5.71 195.31
5.85 199.08
5.98 196.66
6.11 200.24
6.25 201.74
6.38 203.18
6.51 206.41
6.64 202.28