im liquid smooth (chakk)

Race #29

View Pit Stop page for race #29 by chakkGhost race

View profile for im liquid smooth (chakk)

Official speed 137.51 wpm (22.86 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start February 1, 2019 11:28:16pm UTC
Race Finish February 1, 2019 11:28:39pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 99.0%
Points 89.38
Text #10017 (Length: 272 characters)

import random min = 1 max = 6 roll_again = "yes" while roll_again == "yes" or roll_again == "y": print "Rolling the dices..." print "The values are...." print random.randint(min, max) print random.randint(min, max) roll_again = raw_input("Roll the dices again?")