Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop)

Race #137914

View Pit Stop page for race #137914 by atthetopGhost race

View profile for Shoemaker-Levy 9 (atthetop)

Official speed 225.95 wpm (2.97 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 231.64 wpm (73 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 231.96 wpm (4 ms elapsed before first character typed; 2.90 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 227.82 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start May 1, 2024 2:45:16am UTC
Race Finish May 1, 2024 2:45:19am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 48.96
Text #4660065 (Length: 56 characters)

When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.

Characters typed When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.
Character W h e n I s a y i t d o e s n ' t h u r
Milliseconds 4 77 46 53 19 116 10 77 44 39 48 74 45 38 83 41 60 48 32 54 34 35 42 78 40
Character t m e , t h a t m e a n s I c a n b e
Milliseconds 65 37 87 67 50 77 32 50 41 46 46 25 83 41 34 63 44 97 12 100 49 20 63 47 93
Character a r i t .
Milliseconds 38 58 54 31 40 74
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.06 201.74
0.12 201.74
0.18 201.74
0.24 252.18
0.3 201.74
0.36 235.37
0.42 230.56
0.48 226.96
0.54 246.57
0.59 221.92
0.65 238.42
0.71 235.37
0.77 232.78
0.83 230.56
0.89 228.64
0.95 226.96
1.01 237.34
1.07 235.37
1.13 244.21
1.19 232
1.25 240.17
1.31 238.42
1.37 236.83
1.43 235.37
1.49 225.95
1.55 232.78
1.61 224.16
1.67 230.56
1.72 229.57
1.78 228.64
1.84 234.28
1.9 233.26
1.96 232.31
2.02 237.34
2.08 236.33
2.14 235.37
2.2 229
2.26 233.6
2.32 227.61
2.38 226.96
2.44 231.26
2.5 230.56
2.56 229.89
2.62 229.25
2.68 228.64
2.74 228.06
2.8 231.79
2.86 231.16
2.91 230.56
2.97 225.95