ANDREA (andreaak00)

Race #30225

View Pit Stop page for race #30225 by andreaak00Ghost race

View profile for ANDREA (andreaak00)

Official speed 253.26 wpm (2.65 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 258.66 wpm (55 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 258.86 wpm (2 ms elapsed before first character typed; 2.60 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 254.24 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start April 15, 2024 3:20:36pm UTC
Race Finish April 15, 2024 3:20:39pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 54.87
Text #4660065 (Length: 56 characters)

When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.

Characters typed When I say it doesn't hurt me, that means I can bear it.
Character W h e n I s a y i t d o e s n ' t h u r
Milliseconds 2 75 36 70 9 121 43 19 24 48 69 66 32 95 35 62 56 15 27 117 49 43 51 14 25
Character t m e , t h a t m e a n s I c a n b e
Milliseconds 73 0 22 63 55 50 27 36 28 66 28 43 49 46 44 90 40 111 65 14 41 14 83 43 67
Character a r i t .
Milliseconds 0 29 35 12 112 9
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.05 226.12
0.11 226.12
0.16 226.12
0.21 282.66
0.27 226.12
0.32 226.12
0.37 226.12
0.42 254.39
0.48 251.25
0.53 248.74
0.58 246.68
0.64 244.97
0.69 226.12
0.74 226.12
0.8 226.12
0.85 226.12
0.9 239.43
0.96 238.69
1.01 226.12
1.06 226.12
1.11 236.89
1.17 236.4
1.22 245.79
1.27 235.55
1.33 253.26
1.38 252.22
1.43 251.25
1.49 250.35
1.54 257.31
1.59 256.27
1.65 255.3
1.7 261.46
1.75 260.39
1.8 259.38
1.86 258.43
1.91 251.25
1.96 256.68
2.02 249.93
2.07 243.52
2.12 243.08
2.18 248.19
2.23 253.04
2.28 247.16
2.33 251.82
2.39 246.22
2.44 255.62
2.49 259.8
2.55 254.39
2.6 258.43
2.65 253.26