January 2019

Sorted by most races

Rank Username Races Month Best Race Wins Win %
1. SalmanMKC (hellothen) 118 61.59 92.36 43 36.44
2. A strange kind of beautiful... 61 58.05 78.73 12 19.67
3. (sidd_) 59 110.91 137.98 58 98.31
4. (delirious) 43 80.40 108.28 0 0.00
5. police (styrofoam) 37 69.38 98.43 0 0.00
6. mairzydoats_mason (mairzydo... 19 47.28 57.39 10 52.63
7. ⛧🦇🎃💀🎃🦇⛧ ... 10 54.87 76.18 1 10.00
8. Cire (type4harambe) 6 66.70 71.68 1 16.67
9. Cameron (camtypez) 4 27.80 32.09 0 0.00
10. tbodt (tbodt) 2 67.15 76.35 2 100.00
11. William (wilrob2) 2 63.05 65.89 1 50.00
12. (clouhhd_) 1 25.71 25.71 0 0.00
13. Hairy (hairy_man) 1 27.06 27.06 0 0.00
14. Paja (cyberjunkie) 1 42.12 42.12 1 100.00
15. Shawn (dshawn) 1 46.90 46.90 0 0.00
16. Qy (hihiqy1) 1 41.92 41.92 1 100.00
17. kewl (hyper_racer) 1 42.95 42.95 0 0.00
18. JJ (jjmatiasmail) 1 54.79 54.79 1 100.00
19. Thengil (thengil) 1 57.84 57.84 1 100.00
20. Hung (psucoder) 1 53.35 53.35 0 0.00
21. Luke (notagrip) 1 30.01 30.01 1 100.00
22. GINOO AND FLANEUR I LOVE YO... 1 134.90 134.90 1 100.00
23. Guest (kejl) 1 47.06 47.06 1 100.00
24. Karan Jain (karanjain18) 1 27.39 27.39 0 0.00
25. Rodrigo (alang217) 1 49.57 49.57 1 100.00
26. ankit (ankitiit93) 1 31.37 31.37 1 100.00
27. Will (wlls) 1 32.55 32.55 1 100.00