
Sorted by average of best race on each text

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Rank Racer Text Bests Races Texts Career Best 10 Best Race Points Wins Win % Marathon Last Race Variation
1. (slyne) 193.77 9 1 182.55 182.55 193.77 164.30 9 100.00 5 2023-11-11 9.62
2. (keegant) 141.37 1 1 141.37 141.37 141.37 30.63 1 100.00 1 2020-07-23 0.00
3. (zambricks) 140.61 100 6 126.04 166.90 175.47 1,617.28 100 100.00 50 2024-08-07 18.38
4. (zak389) 135.62 22 5 129.72 158.36 174.29 301.56 22 100.00 4 2024-12-31 24.64
5. ⛧🦇🎃💀🎃🦇⛧ ... 133.50 3 3 133.50 133.50 143.82 140.04 0 0.00 3 2020-01-02 5.65
6. police (styrofoam) 131.33 10 10 131.33 131.33 147.56 454.20 3 30.00 10 2020-02-12 5.96
7. baconman (baconman42) 129.73 1 1 129.73 129.73 129.73 62.70 1 100.00 0 2024-08-29 0.00
8. (ginoo75) 121.68 2 2 121.68 121.68 159.61 52.25 0 0.00 1 2024-11-16 31.17
9. rn1hd (rnk1hd) 114.88 8 8 114.88 114.88 125.61 387.65 8 100.00 8 2022-09-30 10.74
10. KiddieX (emyrr) 112.05 35 30 111.56 130.65 158.62 1,597.13 24 68.57 19 2023-07-01 15.13
11. N (natejam) 106.19 1 1 106.19 106.19 106.19 44.25 0 0.00 1 2021-07-05 0.00
12. Mr. Peace. (WiththeSlowestI... 105.33 1 1 105.33 105.33 105.33 33.35 1 100.00 1 2023-06-11 0.00
13. Dal (astronerd) 102.28 2 2 102.27 102.28 105.30 67.27 0 0.00 2 2023-03-28 2.96
14. Vaibhav (vaibhavk) 100.83 65 35 97.55 114.79 121.50 0.00 44 67.69 56 2015-12-24 11.62
15. blehhhh :3 (cloudjumper) 99.01 18 16 98.66 108.23 126.98 691.64 13 72.22 8 2023-06-08 14.01
16. 🌹パレスチナと🥀 ... 96.98 13 13 96.98 102.72 127.55 531.70 8 61.54 13 2023-09-08 16.00
17. eric (ericliu04) 92.30 1 1 92.30 92.30 92.30 29.23 0 0.00 1 2021-01-12 0.00
18. lews~ (lews) 87.47 55 32 84.85 101.41 114.51 0.00 15 27.27 54 2015-12-16 13.46
19. typeO (otaku_ish) 79.73 1 1 79.73 79.73 79.73 31.89 1 100.00 1 2022-03-25 0.00
20. lews (superspies) 77.32 1 1 77.32 77.32 77.32 0.00 1 100.00 1 2015-12-16 0.00
21. Ranit (colemakgang) 76.98 2 2 76.98 76.98 86.97 31.34 2 100.00 2 2020-11-26 12.98
22. Minaricano (minaricano) 67.16 1 1 67.16 67.16 67.16 33.58 1 100.00 1 2021-02-26 0.00
23. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━... 61.59 1 1 61.59 61.59 61.59 17.45 1 100.00 0 2024-04-16 0.00
24. SharksAreCool (nameless_human) 58.11 4 3 55.13 55.13 62.74 71.65 1 25.00 4 2021-06-22 11.54
25. Matt (matttthew) 39.94 3 3 39.94 39.94 43.74 0.00 1 33.33 3 2015-12-15 7.51