Texts missing for Thom (twcus)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
3090001 Worthless, Impossible and Stupid (Worthless) is about how so many people from al... 349 1,459 1.0054
3090002 The entrepreneurial record is writ full of entrepreneurs who "should" succeed bu... 519 1,249 0.9585
3090005 I argue that entrepreneurship is the contrarian perception, creation, and captur... 315 1,728 1.0464
3090006 Entrepreneurship - perceiving, creating, and capturing extraordinary value - is ... 508 1,205 0.9216
3090009 As a result of our stereotype of genius whiz-kids inventing something truly spec... 346 1,320 0.9706
3090010 In 1999, at the age of 29 he took over the tiny, failing Actavis (under a differ... 373 1,075 0.8642
3090011 "The only innovation we introduced was putting lime juice and chili sauce on the... 229 1,454 0.9267
3090014 We will ask from time to time in Worthless where entrepreneurs get their ambitio... 392 1,229 0.9242
3090016 I believe that entrepreneurship is an extremely valuable endeavor for individual... 416 1,242 0.9794
3090018 In order for this book to contain extraordinary value, it must call into questio... 167 2,859 1.0648
3090020 But let's take a first look at several of these entrepreneurs, especially those ... 161 2,411 1.0293
3090022 Entrepreneurs' defiance of our expectations is so prevalent that it almost alway... 236 1,529 0.9948