Texts missing for Nuh (nuh__yamin)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
1610003 Substantiate - to prove, to provide reason for. I won't consider accepting your ... 293 247 1.0251
1610004 Superficial - on the surface, shallow, dull. Although years of seeking the teach... 471 234 1.0150
1610006 Hedonist - one valuing pleasure above all else. Aristotle also rejected the argu... 294 231 0.9904
1610008 Demagogue - a leader who gains power from exciting the emotions of the masses. T... 259 272 1.0442
1610009 Asylum - place of safety or protection. He provided asylum for the refugees. Aba... 114 1 0.7654
1610011 Abduct - to kidnap, forcibly and secretly take away. Although people insistence ... 359 262 1.0043
1610012 Abscond - to sneak away, to escape. The former employee absconded from the vet c... 315 224 0.9754
1610014 Abhor - to hate. He refused to read the book, saying that he abhors Ayn Rand tha... 311 1 0.9398
1610016 Accentuate - to focus on, emphasize. He had an uncanny tendency to always accent... 185 227 0.9760
1610018 Veracity - remains, small part of something older. There were vestiges of his ol... 285 1 0.9910
1610020 Anathema - something that is hated. It seemed that work was generally anathema t... 285 276 1.0737
1610021 Manifold - diverse, numerous. I support this decision for manifold reasons, and ... 286 266 0.9992
1610022 Banal - dull, uninteresting, unoriginal. Why is that every history teacher in th... 270 240 0.9743
1610025 Fastidious - having excessively high standards, demanding. He is never satisfied... 369 224 1.0153
1610027 Hapless - unlucky, unfortunate. The hapless boy lost his girlfriend and his gold... 311 271 1.0390
1610031 Vestiges - remains, small part of something older. There were vestiges of his ol... 311 285 1.0651
1610035 Yoke - to link, to join. After yoking the animals together, they were able to pu... 177 139 0.9914
1610036 Buffet - to blow, to strike. The waves began to buffet the side of the island wi... 268 247 0.9833
1610037 Discomfit - to defeat, to baffle, to confuse. The behavior of the foreigners was... 255 207 0.9343
1610038 Dogmatic - based strictly on principle, often in a stubborn and unproductive man... 294 240 0.9875
1610040 Intimation - a hint, a suggestion. The boss's intimation that they would have to... 231 264 1.0478
1610044 Umbrage - offense, resemblance. He seemed to take great umbrage at even the slig... 265 248 0.9985
1610045 Supplant - to replace, to supersede. That model was supplanted by the newest rel... 344 223 1.0124
1610046 Abrogate - to give up, abolish. Those people who abrogate their responsibility a... 359 250 1.0267
1610052 Trenchant - forceful, keen. The report presents a trenchant criticism of the reg... 268 247 0.9866