Texts missing for (jyin)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
0 This is a placeholder text. You are seeing it because there are no other texts a... 167 3 1.0292
1890000 HCMC - Major changes will be made to the 2005 master urban plan of Thu Thiem New... 3658 3 0.9697
1890001 These 4 gents go out to play golf one sunny morning. One is detained in the club... 1318 3 0.8667
1890002 Every night, Frank would go down to the liquor store, get a six pack, bring it h... 1138 2 0.9265
1890003 A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the her... 701 3 1.0540
1890004 Day 751: My captors continue to torment me with bizarre dangling objects. They e... 403 3 1.0314
1890005 The college professor had just finished explaining an important research project... 706 3 0.9538
1890006 Thanh ngu tieng Anh: Have a heart! Hay biet thong cam. Nen nghi ve cam giac cua ... 135 76 1.0309
1890007 Thanh ngu Viet - Anh. Treo cao te nang: the greater you climb, the greater you f... 158 47 1.0474
1890009 Thanh ngu tieng Anh. Tinh yeu la mu quang: Love is Blind. Chet vinh hon song nhu... 196 33 1.0452
1890010 Bob: Why is your dog watching me so attentively while I am eating? Sam: I don't ... 271 32 1.0775
1890011 In the English grammar lesson, the teacher asked: "What are the simple past tens... 330 19 0.8475
1890012 Money And Friends. "Since he lost his money, half his friends don't know him any... 289 16 0.9164