Texts missing for BobDaAsianBuilda (fortnitefinatic)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
1850001 [Peter is in front of a mirror, preparing for a party] Lois: Look at that handso... 135 38 0.9578
1850002 Stewie: Hey, Brian, remember me? I'm the guy you left standing at the counter at... 475 60 1.0179
1850003 Tom Tucker: A bit of breaking news. A local family is forced out of their home b... 238 87 0.9787
1850004 Peter: Look Brian! Theres a message in my Alphabits. It says "oooooooooooo" Bria... 109 21 0.9302
1850005 Stewie: You hear that Meg? Guys can marry other guys now. So, umm. This is awkwa... 208 98 1.0318
1850006 Meg [about Peter being retarded]: I can never go to school again! Stewie: Oh, ye... 408 60 0.9863
1850008 Meg: I just want to kill myself I'm gonna go upstairs and eat a whole bowl of pe... 260 81 0.9378
1850009 Peter [after Lois tells him he's childish]: You better watch who you're calling ... 237 83 1.0324
1850010 Peter: Brian, I am just as non-competitive as anyone else. As a matter of fact I... 118 35 0.9944
1850012 Stewie: Let me guess, you picked out yet another colorful box with a crank that ... 226 107 1.0780
1850013 Peter: I'm looking for some toilet training books. Salesman: We have the popular... 302 75 0.9717
1850014 Storm Trooper: Hey, did you hear something? Canadian Storm Trooper: Probably jus... 251 100 1.0827
1850015 Peter: [standing at urinal] Uh-oh. Fire! Fire! City Hall is burning! Don't worry... 106 30 0.8945
1850016 Lois: Peter tell Chris that women are not objects! Peter: Your mother's right Ch... 108 30 1.0274
1850017 Lois: You're drunk again! Peter: No, I'm just exhausted 'cause I've been up all ... 95 20 0.9799
1850018 Meg: Finally, look Mom I've had it. I'm not babysitting anymore. It's Saturday n... 214 115 1.1065
1850019 Lois: Well, it's actually Brian I need to talk to you about. Peter: Boy, he's a ... 237 91 0.9797
1850020 Lois: So doctor, is Peter healthy? Doctor: My goodness, you'll be dead within a ... 270 91 0.9699