Text #5390463

There were many seas. The sea roared like a tiger. The sea whispered in your ear like a friend telling you secrets. The sea clinked like small change in a pocket. The sea thundered like avalanches. The sea hissed like sandpaper working on wood. The sea sounded like someone vomiting. The sea was dead silent.

—from Life of Pi, a book by Yann Martel

Active since August 10, 2023.
308 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
2905. Jack (j4ck6643) 83.67 98.2% 2023-12-31
2906. Sam (samsmoke) 83.66 98% 2024-07-25
2907. 1amtoes (1amtoes) 83.65 96% 2024-05-02
2908. tran (tranhungtdh06) 83.65 98% 2024-04-25
2909. Aryan (aryandeore) 83.65 97.9% 2024-03-27
2910. mrooogaboooga (foulackfoula... 83.65 96% 2023-08-26
2911. Dan (danzxz_39) 83.64 96% 2024-06-11
2912. Srinivas (ashwin1994) 83.63 98% 2024-01-24
2913. Just a potato (quocbinhgt3007) 83.63 95.9% 2023-10-10
2914. Do Quan (doquan818) 83.62 96.3% 2023-12-31
2915. danymanny (danymanny) 83.62 97.1% 2023-11-14
2916. Long (123long123a123) 83.61 97% 2024-07-03
2917. Ogun (bzerks) 83.61 96.1% 2023-12-27
2918. panda42o6 (panda42o6) 83.61 98% 2024-06-24
2919. Jas (jaskir) 83.60 96% 2024-06-08
2920. coolguy69 (jjaxwolf) 83.58 97% 2024-03-12
2921. awo (awo200405) 83.57 98% 2024-04-07
2922. 3ralox (chemistt) 83.57 97.9% 2023-12-30
2923. youre304 (endyourself) 83.57 96.5% 2023-11-08
2924. Wiserguy (viceroy397) 83.57 97.6% 2024-03-16
2925. ngelnjel (ngelnjel) 83.56 97.6% 2024-03-08
2926. Dilshod (hamburger09) 83.55 96% 2024-09-20
2927. yanmar (yanmarr) 83.54 97.6% 2024-01-17
2928. bagmati (binaypau) 83.53 97.7% 2024-05-16
2929. Garuḍá (dualshocksparta) 83.53 100% 2023-11-15
2930. Simmons1 (_simmons) 83.52 95% 2024-04-07
2931. Darenz (tyrenz) 83.51 97.1% 2023-09-26
2932. John (jtasher3) 83.50 98% 2024-04-24
2933. Leo Thorne (leoisamortstan) 83.50 96% 2024-04-20
2934. Jason (jason_kenney) 83.49 96.8% 2024-01-03


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 17,513 67.61 August 10, 2023