Text #3810668

You like boats but not the ocean. You go to a lake in the summer with your family up in the mountains. There's a long wooden dock and a boathouse with boards missing from the roof and a place you used to crawl underneath to be alone. You're a sucker for French poetry and rhinestones. You're very generous. You're kind to strangers and children and when you stand in the snow you look like an angel.

—from Groundhog Day, a movie by Harold Ramis

Active since October 7, 2017.
399 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 19,659
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
9018. luffy (luffy04) 84.38 97% 2022-10-23
9019. lekshuu (lekshuu) 84.38 97% 2023-04-04
9020. Gerard (ultimagnusv2) 84.37 96% 2021-06-12
9021. Leonardus (hadestyping_06) 84.37 96% 2021-07-12
9022. Idan (pantsless288) 84.36 96% 2021-01-13
9023. Mausam (the_witcher) 84.36 96% 2022-12-21
9024. alpha2211 (rahat2211) 84.36 98% 2023-01-12
9025. Vy (dinhtuvy) 84.36 98% 2021-03-01
9026. brook (hon3y_lemon) 84.36 98% 2024-02-25
9027. kripp (hotdoghunter) 84.34 95% 2022-03-17
9028. Brando (kingozymandias2) 84.33 98% 2022-12-17
9029. Zafir (zabouzamzam) 84.33 98% 2021-01-20
9030. Kotaro (kotaro_qwerty) 84.32 99% 2021-12-30
9031. Hassan (hamoro) 84.32 96% 2023-03-22
9032. Neel (neel19) 84.32 97% 2020-08-16
9033. Rey (rarcenas) 84.32 94% 2018-04-24
9034. Jwickblack (hellwood) 84.31 97% 2021-08-19
9035. Charlie (swordmole) 84.31 96% 2020-11-28
9036. GodOfTheMetal (godofthemetal) 84.31 97% 2020-08-17
9037. Kakarot (kakarot930) 84.31 95% 2023-04-30
9038. Arno (cactusbald) 84.30 97.1% 2021-02-15
9039. Snek (snekking) 84.30 97% 2022-02-17
9040. Pyren (pyren83) 84.30 99% 2021-01-12
9041. Nejc (gamedev) 84.29 96% 2019-06-08
9042. Generic.exe (generic_exe) 84.29 96% 2021-09-03
9043. Aleph (catblahfishblah) 84.29 98% 2022-05-22
9044. kj (killajewel) 84.29 97% 2022-06-19
9045. Austin (au_oz) 84.28 96% 2018-11-07
9046. Baraa (the_legend_b) 84.27 96% 2018-07-21
9047. Lucas (lucas_a04) 84.27 97% 2019-05-05


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 33,780 86.76 October 7, 2017
Instant Death Mode 28 88.16 January 14, 2019
ᗜ Stenography 5 104.47 July 11, 2021