Text #5390034

Industrial landowners and users, especially lumbermen and stockmen, are inclined to wail long and loudly about the extension of government ownership and regulation to land, but (with notable exceptions) they show little disposition to develop the only visible alternative: the voluntary practice of conservation on their own lands.

—from A Sand County Almanac, a book by Aldo Leopold

Active since April 6, 2023.
331 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 3,511
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
2586. DRACO (wueytiuewi) 68.17 96% 2023-08-25
2587. tiraha (tiraha) 68.16 97% 2024-04-30
2588. Louis (kakmuis) 68.11 96% 2023-11-03
2589. Britton (federicobrit) 68.09 96% 2023-09-20
2590. grhs (shellspicker) 68.05 97% 2023-06-10
2591. Yushi (yushi529) 68.02 96% 2023-04-10
2592. Kavan (kavan044) 68.00 96% 2023-04-29
2593. Garben (garben) 68.00 96.5% 2023-11-04
2594. Dídac (ohmydidi) 67.98 97% 2023-10-16
2595. Vito (vito1036) 67.98 94% 2023-04-14
2596. Mich (michdaevinci) 67.97 97% 2023-08-30
2597. xia (zezenc) 67.93 97% 2023-10-12
2598. Jacob (jc0802) 67.93 94.6% 2024-06-19
2599. zombie typer (zombietyper2k) 67.92 97% 2023-08-18
2600. Rohith V (xperior28) 67.91 97% 2023-05-16
2601. Piotr (piotros) 67.90 96% 2023-04-11
2602. Adrian (adrian4k_) 67.89 96% 2023-05-10
2603. Aruzh (4ruzh) 67.89 95% 2023-06-07
2604. Jordan (jordan_speedy_hands) 67.89 94% 2024-09-08
2605. qwerty (slushpuppy275) 67.85 95% 2023-09-13
2606. Carson (carson_a_r) 67.81 97% 2023-04-13
2607. Norman (oomenacka) 67.80 95% 2023-07-06
2608. Henry (ambandi) 67.79 96% 2023-08-18
2609. jayce tuazon (onionjoint43) 67.78 94.8% 2023-10-23
2610. NEO (qwerty_08) 67.72 98% 2023-04-11
2611. Reezy (reezy02) 67.72 95% 2023-04-17
2612. Rocky (sushil26) 67.72 96.1% 2024-03-19
2613. Kelvinhbo (kelvinhbo) 67.69 96.6% 2023-10-12
2614. Alan (alan2406) 67.67 95% 2023-06-04
2615. Srijan (lego_11) 67.65 96% 2023-04-21


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 4,452 84.21 April 6, 2023