Text #4350622

If the aliens came down today, what would they think, what would they say? Would they like what we've done with the place, would they tell us the secrets of the human race? What is a war, why does it start, why build a planet just to tear it apart?

—from Aliens, a song by Alaska and Jeremy

Active since October 9, 2020.
248 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 17,345
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
16722. Deepti (deeptiij) 40.75 92% 2020-12-26
16723. Gord84 (gord84) 40.73 97% 2021-03-02
16724. Kris (knc204) 40.71 98% 2020-11-11
16725. Yaroslav (nashivan) 40.68 96% 2021-12-05
16726. snake_case (_snake_case) 40.67 96% 2021-10-31
16727. Aljon (fedreek) 40.66 96% 2021-05-06
16728. Saif (saiffff) 40.61 94% 2023-03-29
16729. Prem (premkumar12) 40.61 98% 2023-04-17
16730. Ami (amibenny) 40.61 94% 2023-04-01
16731. Md ubaid ullah (typing_mast... 40.58 91% 2021-05-29
16732. Aditya (addy001) 40.56 96% 2021-12-26
16733. DR.SOBHY (dr_sobhy) 40.52 95% 2022-10-27
16734. VSL Maanas Krishna (maanas6... 40.51 94% 2023-05-12
16735. ReddyIsHere (reddy_is_here) 40.50 94% 2021-04-20
16736. Omkar94 (Indian) (omkar28) 40.47 96% 2022-10-06
16737. ashutosh (ashutsoh) 40.47 93% 2021-02-28
16738. Hoasm (hoasm_gnaba) 40.46 97% 2021-05-11
16739. Amritesh (anodyne12371) 40.45 97% 2021-06-05
16740. Israel (nowavailable) 40.45 94.7% 2021-02-09
16741. Shawcha (shawcha20) 40.44 94% 2022-02-16
16742. Firas (knight68) 40.43 95% 2022-04-16
16743. Anil (anilseervi) 40.43 93% 2021-02-21
16744. Joe Smith (slowtypingdino) 40.41 97% 2021-12-01
16745. Imke (lillesatan) 40.41 97% 2022-04-21
16746. subhojeet (subho12134) 40.37 93% 2021-02-23
16747. Elias (ninjagurke_187) 40.36 95% 2021-04-06
16748. VINEET (vineet96) 40.36 96% 2020-12-19
16749. Ansar (an8ar) 40.34 95% 2023-04-14
16750. humaun (humaun1) 40.34 95% 2022-01-31
16751. Sangram (sangram27) 40.30 94% 2022-10-31


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 29,112 85.07 October 9, 2020
Instant Death Mode 56 93.33 December 29, 2020