Text #332

It was hard to toss things I had once thought were valuable enough to spend money on and just as hard to separate myself from worn and ragged clothing I had for sentimental reasons. Once I'd passed through the first few tough decisions, though, the momentum had been built and it was a breeze.

—from The 4-Hour Workweek, a book by Timothy Ferriss

Active since October 4, 2008.
293 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 7,681
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
4411. Player (playerdos) 40.80 95% 2020-04-25
4412. HAMED (hamadan) 40.80 92% 2015-03-16
4413. Prithviraj (voidpp25) 40.80 95% 2021-03-09
4414. benny (benny1) 40.80 2009-08-10
4415. avinash (avinash12) 40.79 95% 2021-01-23
4416. ahmed (a7med_22) 40.79 93% 2023-01-18
4417. naren (demontyper) 40.78 92% 2011-06-20
4418. Kubota គូបូតា ... 40.78 85% 2013-09-03
4419. Vasily (kot2009) 40.78 2009-11-21
4420. walid (kasemwalid) 40.77 90% 2016-07-18
4421. UZUMAKI (pauby) 40.77 82% 2017-05-03
4422. mag (mag255) 40.77 88% 2017-01-09
4423. Ace (myhandshurtsmh) 40.76 98% 2017-12-15
4424. sam (scoombey) 40.76 92% 2016-11-28
4425. joey (sl0wm0) 40.76 92.3% 2021-02-28
4426. Nikhil (nikhilgandhi) 40.76 92% 2022-05-10
4427. Anurag (anurag28aug) 40.75 95% 2018-05-16
4428. MinEr (emptytimes) 40.75 92% 2012-06-05
4429. BeaT (anutorn) 40.75 93% 2020-08-10
4430. Tri (mankinchi) 40.74 2008-10-26
4431. Aloysius (dude100no) 40.74 96% 2018-11-02
4432. cuatro (cuatroballena) 40.73 84% 2016-11-06
4433. John (johns) 40.73 2008-10-30
4434. pratama (anakbaru) 40.73 89% 2014-10-26
4435. eyad (eyadd) 40.73 95% 2021-06-06
4436. kuo (kuowehua) 40.73 96% 2022-01-10
4437. RedRider (foresttechnologies) 40.73 91% 2017-03-18
4438. Mary (marypoppins) 40.72 2009-07-14
4439. Charulatha (charulatha) 40.72 99% 2016-12-01
4440. Ivan (fafner_) 40.72 93% 2018-07-23


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 12,659 42.85 October 4, 2008
Instant Death Mode 40 57.09 March 31, 2010
Riverside Middle School 17 33.31 February 23, 2011