Text #36

My name is Turkish. Funny name for an Englishman, I know. My parents to be were on the same plane when it crashed. That's how they met. They named me after the name of the plane. Not many people are named after a plane crash. That's Tommy. He tells people he was named after a gun, but I know he was really named after a famous 19th century ballet dancer.

—from Snatch, a movie by Guy Ritchie

Active since August 3, 2008.
355 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 31,816
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
20458. Neil (spiritup) 73.04 96% 2015-04-29
20459. Q (gh40402) 73.04 93% 2015-12-20
20460. Ken (kcbrill) 73.04 98% 2017-01-29
20461. Tracie (toreishii) 73.04 2011-01-17
20462. Deus (deus) 73.04 2010-02-05
20463. Asif (asifkkhan) 73.03 95% 2017-04-11
20464. Palta (palta_hass05) 73.03 97% 2021-08-24
20465. Randy (ryanrules428) 73.03 92% 2014-10-23
20466. Gabriel (gabdvorak) 73.03 2011-02-05
20467. y (ytasf) 73.03 96% 2013-12-20
20468. Marc (toonings) 73.02 98.4% 2023-10-16
20469. Splonk (splonk) 73.02 95% 2021-09-11
20470. Ferdiant (justquarter) 73.02 96% 2014-09-30
20471. Mohammed (creative506) 73.02 97% 2021-05-30
20472. luffy13 (luffy13) 73.02 98% 2011-12-01
20473. lucious (lucioustony) 73.02 96% 2016-12-23
20474. ricky (mongoloid69) 73.01 97% 2021-12-25
20475. Mario (memesauce) 73.01 97% 2018-06-13
20476. Dylan (dyl0e) 73.01 95% 2021-07-25
20477. Some1uknow (some1uknow) 73.01 96% 2022-11-13
20478. Lustralis (lustralis) 73.01 96% 2013-06-15
20479. Greg (eggertstwart) 73.01 93% 2012-03-13
20480. Doris (dorisk) 73.01 95% 2016-10-24
20481. Dawned (dawned) 73.01 97% 2013-05-03
20482. Kat (rnkea28) 73.01 97% 2016-05-02
20483. Jeffrey (jsb9942) 73.01 94% 2013-12-19
20484. Tristan (thavelick) 73.00 97% 2015-09-10
20485. ghaws (ghaws) 73.00 96% 2022-12-02
20486. Stoliers (stoliers) 73.00 97% 2020-05-18
20487. maikeru (celtendo) 73.00 99% 2020-04-02


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 93,570 84.42 August 3, 2008
Instant Death Mode 111 83.95 March 29, 2010
TypeRacer Classic 2 69.05 November 2, 2021
Riverside Middle School 2 55.62 March 18, 2011