Text #4940075

I stretched out on the sofa and closed my eyes for a long time, thinking of nothing. It was not hard for me to think of nothing, the way I felt at the moment. In order not to think of any one thing, all I had to do was think of many things, a little at a time: just think about something for a moment and fling it into space.

—from The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, a book by Haruki Murakami

Active since July 1, 2021.
325 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
908. Prem (batprem) 56.14 95% 2021-07-12
909. Umid (umid2000) 55.87 95% 2021-07-12
910. Murcury (murcury_) 55.84 95% 2021-08-02
911. Overlay1 (overlay1) 55.68 96% 2021-07-16
912. BOZO (b0z0) 55.65 97% 2021-07-13
913. Celest (celestialpha) 55.54 96% 2021-08-12
914. kandarp (kandarp_5) 55.48 94% 2021-08-21
915. Feather (featherfingers) 55.40 97% 2021-08-02
916. Nou (prakharman) 55.32 96% 2021-08-22
917. Singh (singh_ram) 55.17 95% 2021-07-30
918. smoky_ (sahuvipul) 55.15 95% 2021-07-04
919. An (an_dtr) 55.14 97% 2021-07-04
920. Mandy (atsiongas) 55.02 97% 2021-08-21
921. varun (vakot) 54.93 97% 2021-08-23
922. Budwecan (budwecan) 54.59 95% 2021-08-09
923. Dew2118 (dew_2118) 54.48 95% 2021-07-15
924. n0 (doo1222) 54.13 97% 2021-08-10
925. Chapri 👛👛 (sunilswain) 54.09 95% 2021-08-12
926. bla3oss (bla_3oss) 53.92 94% 2021-08-01
927. Vidit (vdop) 53.74 96% 2021-07-06
928. Yash (kumar02) 53.65 93% 2021-08-13
929. Le (lenam_97) 53.64 96% 2021-08-05
930. Miigaa (rmiigaa) 53.47 96% 2021-07-13
931. Mayank (mmayank74) 53.43 95% 2021-08-16
932. Govind (404fixer) 53.42 97% 2021-08-02
933. Vibhav (vibhav_1262) 53.12 96% 2021-08-12
934. Abhimanyue (obsidian_abhi) 53.05 95% 2021-08-10
935. duyanh (duyanh3897) 53.03 94% 2021-07-24
936. jihoon007 (jihoon007) 52.86 97% 2021-07-19
937. The_rock (the_rock97) 52.85 96% 2021-07-08


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 1,260 96.59 July 1, 2021