Text #4180625

I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead. The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die.

—from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a book by Mark Twain

Active since December 15, 2019.
266 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
9767. Shabylkhan (saken03) 74.04 96% 2023-06-27
9768. Selscqa (selscqa) 74.04 95% 2022-11-20
9769. Jerry (gothamsonlyhope) 74.04 95% 2024-09-04
9770. Anon771 (anon771) 74.04 95.1% 2021-02-02
9771. peshang (peshang) 74.04 95.9% 2021-02-18
9772. Please use an appropriate n... 74.03 97% 2021-10-13
9773. SR (ss_r) 74.03 98% 2023-03-12
9774. duc (duchihi) 74.02 94% 2022-06-12
9775. Rahul (rahulm123) 74.02 99% 2023-05-25
9776. SH (shrony) 74.02 98% 2022-06-23
9777. Laco (koomp) 74.02 97% 2021-02-27
9778. Connor (connormartian) 74.02 93% 2020-04-18
9779. totoro (machina91) 74.02 96% 2023-05-22
9780. Raghavan G V (raghavangv) 74.02 95% 2022-04-19
9781. Benay (benay127) 74.01 96% 2020-02-18
9782. Tim (auticons) 74.01 99% 2021-08-25
9783. mxnvrch (mxnvrch) 74.00 95% 2021-05-11
9784. Beebit (beebit) 74.00 96% 2021-12-05
9785. Sunil (chipu) 73.99 96% 2020-01-26
9786. Thanet (teeteu) 73.99 97% 2020-07-10
9787. Elishba (elishba) 73.99 97% 2021-05-07
9788. Rocco (grapefruit95) 73.99 96% 2020-12-02
9789. Aszendent (aszendent) 73.99 98% 2022-12-07
9790. keybr_main (keybr_main) 73.99 98% 2023-10-18
9791. jason (kimjongdos) 73.98 96% 2021-06-28
9792. Ximiz (ximiz) 73.97 96% 2023-01-08
9793. Derek (vonarxd) 73.97 98% 2021-09-22
9794. Patrick (jppat) 73.97 97% 2023-05-29
9795. Addison (sugarveggies) 73.97 97% 2022-02-12
9796. M3D7 (m3d7) 73.96 96% 2023-03-01


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 29,578 81.33 December 15, 2019
Instant Death Mode 61 90.83 March 4, 2020
ᗜ Stenography 5 44.36 July 18, 2020