taran (i_dont_know_you_know)

Race #5

View Pit Stop page for race #5 by i_dont_know_you_knowGhost race

View profile for taran (i_dont_know_you_know)

Official speed 378.60 wpm (1.49 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 387.63 wpm (35 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 388.16 wpm (2 ms elapsed before first character typed; 1.45 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 379.90 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start April 1, 2024 11:53:39pm UTC
Race Finish April 1, 2024 11:53:41pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 63.10
Text #3810446 (Length: 47 characters)

They don't know that we know they know we know.

Characters typed They don't know that we know they know we know.
Character T h e y d o n ' t k n o w t h a t w e k
Milliseconds 2 4 69 10 16 17 35 13 21 81 33 18 17 19 26 9 63 68 7 42 7 78 5 73 62
Character n o w t h e y k n o w w e k n o w .
Milliseconds 7 8 10 57 5 80 27 8 67 66 9 0 9 105 31 15 106 0 5 0 7 38
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.03 805.53
0.06 402.77
0.09 537.02
0.12 604.15
0.15 483.32
0.18 537.02
0.21 517.84
0.24 453.11
0.27 447.52
0.3 402.77
0.33 439.38
0.36 469.89
0.39 464.73
0.42 460.3
0.45 429.62
0.48 427.94
0.51 402.77
0.54 425.14
0.57 402.77
0.6 422.9
0.63 402.77
0.66 402.77
0.69 402.77
0.72 385.98
0.74 386.66
0.77 371.78
0.8 387.85
0.83 402.77
0.86 388.88
0.89 402.77
0.92 389.77
0.95 377.59
0.98 378.36
1.01 390.92
1.04 379.75
1.07 380.39
1.1 370.11
1.13 370.97
1.16 392.44
1.19 382.63
1.22 373.29
1.25 364.41
1.28 365.3
1.31 375.3
1.34 366.96
1.37 358.99
1.4 351.35
1.43 385.98
1.46 386.33
1.49 378.6