View Pit Stop page for race #970 by delux10 — Ghost race
View profile for Jack (delux10)
Official speed | 112.54 wpm (37.64 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | January 12, 2016 10:44:25pm UTC |
Race Finish | January 12, 2016 10:45:03pm UTC |
Outcome | Win (1 of 5) |
Opponents |
2. wordracer888 (98.91 wpm) 3. estevaoima (95.67 wpm) |
Accuracy | 97.0% |
Points | 0.00 |
Text | #3100061 (Length: 353 characters) Finally, there are those languages, such as Turkish, Finnish, Estonian, Hungarian, Indonesian, and Vietnamese, that are entirely consistent about gender simply because they have no grammatical gender at all. In such languages, even pronouns referring to human beings do not bear gender distinctions, so there aren't separate pronouns for "he" and "she". |