JC (typer778)

Race #8455

View Pit Stop page for race #8455 by typer778Ghost race

View profile for JC (typer778)

Official speed 110.51 wpm (38.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start February 16, 2023 3:53:11pm UTC
Race Finish February 16, 2023 3:53:49pm UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 5)
Opponents 1. isaacchen_cool (115.86 wpm)
3. tipsyplc (103.01 wpm)
4. sharkychompers (78.67 wpm)
5. thelordsatan (70.75 wpm)
Accuracy 99.0%
Points 117.87
Text #568 (Length: 352 characters)

They knew they were privileged to have these choices, but they also knew the stakes were high. These people were asking the big questions: How do I find meaning in my life? Should I have children? What is the most meaningful way to connect with other people? How should I balance my work life with my personal life (and is there a distinction anymore)?