gavinc (klontz)

Race #4542

View Pit Stop page for race #4542 by klontzGhost race

View profile for gavinc (klontz)

Official speed 130.78 wpm (19.91 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start October 31, 2020 12:32:49am UTC
Race Finish October 31, 2020 12:33:09am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 3. selfishplate (113.49 wpm)
5. troye06 (84.45 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 93.73
Text #3622431 (Length: 217 characters)

I have moments like that a lot, when my brain falls asleep or something, and the next thing I know I've missed something, as if a puzzle piece fell out of the universe and left me staring at the blank place behind it.